The Incident

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It was a normal day, or so everyone thought.... I sat on the edge of the stage watching my significant other cleaning the tables, I wondered why they were being strangely quiet this time of day, infact they were becoming more quiet with each day. I didn't want to blame them for having secrets though, I had some myself, and I really didn't quite want to share any of them with anyone, not even my brother Frederick. Speaking of Frederick.... I thought as I got off the stage and headed to one of the rooms in the back, here were the bedrooms in an even line down on each side, knocking on the door Fredbear sighed quietly, Today isn't normal...I should go talk to Haley maybe she will know... The door infront of me open slightly, and I heard my brother whisper softly, "Yeah Erin? Is something wrong?" I frowned, hearing him whisper.

"No, there wasn't something wrong...but now I have a problem." I crossed my arms, What the h***? Why is he being suspicious?

"Oh? Give me a second." Frederick opened the door and stepped out quickly shutting the door before I had a chance to look in the room, "So what did you need?" Frederick kept his position in front of his he was hiding something?

"You are being suspicious, like everyone else today. Is there something that is going on that I don't know about?" my ears lowered, as i was uneasy, even though this might not be a serious issue, but you never know.

"What? No! no no no!" Frederick chuckled quietly, "I had just got Angel to sleep and I didn't want to wake him, i'm sorry if that came off as suspicious ." My tension eased up abit and I smiled lightly.

"I don't know how you do it Frederick but I have to give you credit....I don't think I will ever become a good father at this rate." I rubbed my face sighing softly.

"Now don't say that Erin, you're good at taking care of Angel aswell." Frederick smiled reassuringly. I'm not sure about that, you don't understand what happened that day....I don't trust myself...

Flash back to February 18, 1987,

Children were all gathered around the big stage, laughing and some were crying. Erin couldn't blame them, he wanted to cry to, what for he didn't know. Erin watched a group of kids that were near the stage laughing at a younger child he couldn't have been much older then 5, Erin could barley make out what they were saying.
"Mark you are just a scaredy cat." the one with a red fox mask laughed, the kid, the one they called Mark, sniffled and shook his head.

"I'm not scared, you are just being a big meanie!" Mark wiped his eyes and looked all around him. Erin knew he should help the poor kid, but....he couldn't move, it was like he was stuck to the stage, His ears went down as he stopped moving all together, he just watched as the Fox mask kid picked up Mark and carried him to the stage.

"Really just the other day you told me the big guy looked scary." he laughed, "Hows about you get on stage with him and prove to me you aren't scared." and with that the Fox mask kid put Mark on the stage next to Erin, don't....something is wrong...don't put him next to me... Mark looked up at Erin and gulped he slowly stepped fore ward. That's when Erin felt it, his skin teared at the mouth making his jaw hang open, Screaming, then a crunch of bones. No....god no. When Erin was able to move again he saw the Mark lying in front of him, his head gushing out blood. He put a hand to his mouth and felt the blood on his face, he moved his hand to the sides of his mouth and felt the...scars, as if his mouth being tore open was already healed.

present time

I shuddered with disgust, what made me do I did that....I will never know. But I feel like this is just the beginning of what is to come.

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