Chapter 1/1

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Rider's POV

The sun has set long ago. I couldn't care for what the time was, but only the beautiful man in front of me. He was mine (or at least i would hope for. The name on my arm isn't there for fun). He stares into my eyes with an unreadable expression, then turns from me leaving me to stand in these lonely woods. Once he took his last step out of the woods, the darkness swallowed me whole.

That was the last of my dream I could remember before I woke up. I've been dreaming about my soul mate for such a long time I couldn't even begin to tell you when I started dreaming of him. Well both of them. I have yet to dream of the both of my soul mates together, but I hope for the day that I could see the both of them together in the same dream. I myself live in a world where once you reach puberty the names of your soul mates form on your arm like a tattoo and you learn what sup-gender you are. My sup-gender is omega and my soul mates' names are Xander Hall and Theo Hall. I would assume that the two of them are related, but I couldn't tell you. I don't really know anything about them. Being an omega I go through a heat which is similar to a dog in heat and during that time my body becomes like a woman's so I could technically get pregnant. As well, when you find your soul mates the names will glow and that lest you know that they are close to you.

I begin to get moving after laying in my bed for a bit longer. I need to get ready for school and hopefully not miss my bus. I'm in my last year of highschool yet I still ride the bus. Honestly, the bus ride makes me forget that I'm going to graduate soon and have to go off to college. I don't think I'm even close to being ready for college, but I'll have to go one way or another. I walk to my closet and pull out the outfit I had planned for the day and then finish getting ready in the bathroom. I usually eat something in the morning like cereal or some leftovers from the other night, but today I'm not really in the mood for eating anything really.

Eventually I'm done getting ready and I'm outside waiting for the bus to pull up. The bus ride has always been so long, but a good opportunity to get some more sleep. I didn't wait for long before the bus arrived and even less time before I fell asleep almost not getting off the bus at the school. The morning is truly as boring as ever, but there seems to be more of a buzz today than other days. As I begin to walk to my locker my wrist begins to burn. It's less of a painful feeling and more of a slight sting. The names of my soul mates are glowing. I look up only to make eye contact with the man from my dream. He was just as handsome as he was in real life maybe even more. Next to him was my other soul mate. The two had similar features (i assume that they're twins), but they both gave off different auras. My first mate gave me the feeling that he was very rough, but could be very gentle. My other mate is the opposite. He seems like a gentle giant, but can be rough when he wants to.

The two slowly made their way to me as I continued to stare at them. I didn't seem to notice they were leading back out of the building and to the student parking lot. For some reason I didn't feel scared of them and completely trusted them.

"Where are you taking me," I sputtered out once I stopped staring at the two.

"Somewhere we can be alone and talk," the more rough twin states. He didn't really leave room for me to ask anything else so I just keep quiet until we get to wherever we end up going. The more gentle twin is the one who hops into the driver's seat and the other opens the front door and signals me to hop in with his hand. I don't question anything and get in the car.

Once we're all in the car we pull out of the parking lot and start our way on the road. I start to get a bit nervous and anxious. Why would they want to take me any and talk to me? What exactly are we going to talk about? What if they don't want me as their mate? Then again the twins never did seem too happy to see me in my dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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