Rainy day

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Rain..very heavy rain..I hate rainy day more than anything!

ughhhh what a worse day. I let out a small sigh and keep running on the street. All my clothes were soaked ew.

I woke up late this morning and got scold, I missed breakfast, I didn't have time to search my car key so I decide to used train, someone literally spill their drinks on my clothes ?! and now I had to run on the rain because my dumb stupid self forgot to bring umbrella . what could happen next? someone gonna rob me ? hah !

I found a small hut..I didn't saw anyone around so I decide to stay there till rain stop pouring. how long can I stay here ugh I wanna go home and take a bath already.

I sit down and wipe the water from my (h/c) hair using small (f/c) handkerchief . I look at my watch , 6:45 pm ..hmm its getting late I can't stay here any longer.

I decide to call my roommate maybe she can pick me up.

"Um Helena can you help me right now?"

"Y/n? what's wrong ?"

"I stuck at some place cuz I forgot to bring my umbrella.."

"you wha- why would forgot to bring it? you never forget anything before."

"arr I don't know..ugh can you just pick me up ?"

"Im so sorry Y/n I want to but I have urgent thing to do right now.."

"oh ..sokay then..I just..wait till rain stop"

"sorry y/n !"

"its okey..you have thing to do. "

haaa let's just wait I guess. What a bad thing could happen right?

just as my f*ck*n salty mouth speak there a bunch guy approaching me with naughty smile..god please help me !

"hey hey look what we got here hehe~" one of the guy spoke to his other friend while looking at me up and down..gross !

"what in the world make such a cute girl stay all alone here hah~" oh shoot I just remember my clothes were soaked so they can see through it!

I cover up my body using my bag and rolled my eyes looking at different direction hoping they would got bored and go away but no. they not going anywhere.

"damn this selfish chick really ignore us didn't she.. you look pretty ya know~" one of his friend pinned me on the wall. I can heard they were laughing at me

"what the fu-" he covered my mouth using his hand .. "nah-ah if you start screaming someone might come right ? why not play with us for awhile ho~ney~" he whisper in my ears ugh get tf away from me you piece of trashhhhh !

I kicked his crotch and bite his hand punching whoever in front me and start running as fast as I can while screaming "HELP M-" but one of them pull my hair making me fall down

"damn you lil bxtch that hurt you know!" he slapped my face and kick me ..someone please just help me!
I can feel tears running down my cheeks..I close my eyes don't wanna look at him

then I heard a voice..

"Let her go or I call the police !!" that what I heard..who is that ?

"shit let's go" he run away with his other friend. I still scare to open my eyes. "are you okey ? did they hurt you-yoi ?" he asking me while holding my hand..helping me to get up

"ye..yeah thank you" I look at him , eh..

"pineapple ?" am I dreaming or Im crazy cuz I saw a PINEAPPLE save me.. I'm crazy for sure.

OH SHOOT NOOO its not pineapple its a freaking person with weird haircut ..I found that kinda cute tho

"uh um SORRY !!" ugh come on is that how you treat someone who just save you? great y/n so great..he must think Im a weirdo right now

"Hahahahaha its okey-yoi, a lot of people keep calling me pineapple" he laugh..CUTE !!

"can you walk? I can help you if you can't-yoi" he look in my eyes with concern look "yes..I can..thank you..um"

"its Marco" he smile..aaaaa why am I blushing right now !?
"Im Y/n ..thank you cuz saving me Marco" he didn't seem like a bad person at all

"what's your address? I'll send you home" he take out his phone ..maybe texting someone . " ahh its okey I can just walk-"

"its okey..let me walk you home..if those guy saw you all alone again maybe they would attack you." he hold my hand and start walking toward where his car were.

"eh uh thank you..sorry.." I look down on the ground. He opened the door for me..damn he really look like a prince right now.

I got to know him much since we were talk a lot about each other , apparently he have 4 more brother and all of them weren't blood related at all..they were adopted by a guy name Newgate ..." ah here is my house..thank you for driving me home" I smile at him..I can see his cheeks turn slight pink..is he blushing?

"n..no problem-yoi..by the way..may I ask if you free this saturday?" he rub his neck while looking down

"yes Im..what ? you wanna take me on date ?" I smirk at start laughing after saw his cheeks turn red like tomato !

"i..if you don't mind-yoi..." he avoiding eyes contact and look at the road instead

"yea I would like to. Here my number..if you need anything you can always call me" I wrote my number on the small paper and give it to him.

"sure I will..goodnight and see you around I guess" he gave me a warm smile and drove away from my neighborhood.

---------- a few year later -----------------------

I usually never believe on fate or something like red string...I also hate rainy days more than anything

"its raining hahhahahahaha, mommy mommy its raining !"

But right now

"come one honey don't run like that or you will fall and hurt yourself"

"Im fine mommy looks hahaha"

I guess I like rain

"Im home-yoi"

"daddy's back ! yeayyyy !!"

"hey- mommy just said don't run geez"

"heyy darling miss me-yoi?"

"I miss you so much daddy !!"


"Welcome home Marco~"

If it wasn't rainy that day ..I may never met you...cause you are the person who share the red string with me. Pineapple~


that it !! arghhhh my brain is tired..im sorry if there were wrong spelling or wrong grammar..English isn't my first language and I still learning it ! i hope you guys enjoy this !!! bubye <3

-author chan-

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