Chapter 20: Oh No...

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A/N: This chapter is for all you puppy lovers out there! I loved writing about Theo's relationship with Bella. This chapter also has a lot of fluff and a scary cliffhanger. But, watch out for the next chapter. Angst gonna hit you HARD!!! Enjoy! <3

Theo's POV

Today is another beautiful day. I can't say that I've fully accustomed to life without my mother, but I still have Eliza, who is like a mother figure to me. My dad is also in the process of healing. Every burden, every disadvantage, we have learned to manage.

I won't be spending the day with Pip, though. He said he's going to have a sister-brother day with Angie, to cheer her up. I think it's super adorable how Philip cares for his little siblings. So, since I cannot spend the day with him, I've decided to spend it with my father. We haven't been spending quality time together as much, so it would be nice to have a day with my dad for a change.

I get out of bed, and open the curtains and windows in my room. I take in the fresh air from outside, while the morning sun shines brightly over the city. I breath in and out, living in the moment. You know, this day seems like it's gonna be happy and free of drama and stress.

I then clamber down the staircase of our home, with my dog, Bella, following me eagerly. Bella is the dog my dad got me for my fourteenth birthday. She was only a puppy then, but now she's fully grown. I love her so much, and she is an amazing friend of mine. But, she isn't my best friend. I'm sure you know who that is...

"Bork, bork bork!" barks Bella, in a very happy and excited manner. I pick her up easily, and complete the walk down the stairs. She may be fully grown, but she's still pretty light.

I go to the cupboard and pull out a sack of dog biscuits for her breakfast. I empty some of it into her food bowl, which has her name printed neatly on it in bold letters. She happily pants, before proceeding to stuff her mouth full of biscuits. I chuckle slightly at her behaviour.

I decide it's also time for my own breakfast. I put some white bread in the toaster and get the butter out of the fridge. I like toast. It's simple, healthy and tasty. I also pour some orange juice (my favourite flavour) into a glass.

While the bread is toasting, I quickly float upstairs to my father's bedroom to wake him up, for our special father-daughter day. I love floating, it gives me a sense of freedom. And if I float over the city while invisible, I can see the world, but no one sees me. And I like it like that.

I enter Papa's room to find him sleeping soundly. I shake his shoulders lightly to wake him up. He does so, while yawning. He must've had a very good night's sleep.

"Good morning, Papa. Did you sleep well?" I ask, while helping him out of bed. He looks at me, and gives a small smile. He looks a bit tired, but then again, he's always looking tired, especially after Momma passed.

"Good morning, Dosi. As a matter of fact, I did sleep well." he says, kissing me on the forehead. "I can't wait to spend the day with you. It's been a while since I've been out of the house."

He and I go back downstairs, and as if on cue, the toast is ready. I take it out and get it ready. Then dad and I have our light breakfast while talking about life, and about my new powers. He finds them pretty cool, and he enjoys helping me master how to use them. I'm really grateful for my dad.

After getting ready, we leave the house on foot, because Papa prefers walking to driving cars. He says that cars are only a failed attempt to make walking better. Easy for him to say, he can teleport. But, his powers are extremely weak. Without my mother at his side, without his soulmate, he can not use his full power, and so he cannot teleport very far. We decide to bring Bella with us. She needs a walk anyway.

"So, where to first, sweets?" Papa asks. I think about this one carefully. We do still have the whole day, so we can explore the city together. "How about we head to the mall first? There's a bunch of things we can do there!" I say. Papa agrees, and I grab him by the arm as we run thought the city streets.

We race past a bunch of people, while Bella runs in front of us, panting as her golden fur flows with the wind. Papa can actually run pretty fast for a 47 year old. He runs along side me as we approach the shopping district, where the mall is. No, we won't be buying too much stuff, but we will be doing a lot of window shopping, so we can make a list of things we want to buy later.

We arrive at the mall, and it's pretty busy today. There's loads of people exploring the different stores and what the have to offer. We pass a clothing store and I look through the window. I spot a red shirt, that is size XL, perfect fit for Papa. And his favourite colour is red.

I grab him by the arm and run to the store. We left Bella with my friend, Frances Laurens, who we briefly ran into on the way here. She was going to the park, so we asked her if she could watch Bella while we were at the mall. She agreed, and now she and Bella are at the park.

"Dosi, I know you were looking for 'the perfect shirt', but I don't think we'll find it here." he says. I turn around and spot the shirt I saw before we ran in.

"Papa, look! There it is!" I say pointing to the shirt. His face immediately lights up, and he turns to me. "It is perfect!" he says. We grab one off the rack and go pay for it.

When we're done there, we explore the rest of the mall. We look at clothes, jewellry, furniture, stationary, appliances and devices. We spend an awful lot of time in the bookstore, reading. Reading is just one of the things that we love doing together.

After the mall, we went back and picked up Bella from Frances, who luckily was still at the park. Then we decided to head back home. We spent way too much time in the mall and now it's getting dark. As we walk home, with Bella slowly walking ahead of us, my phone buzzes in my pocket. It's a phone call from Angie.

"Sorry, Papa, I have to take this." I say. I answer the call. "Hello? Angie?"

"Theo, we have a problem. Pip got stabbed in his chest. He's in hospital. You need to come quick!" she says, pain in her voice.

"Oh my God! Where... where are you?" I ask, panicking. I already lost Momma. If I lose Pip, who knows what will happen to me...

She gives me her location and I hang up. I tell Papa what happened, and he agrees to take Bella home while I run to the hospital. I need to be there for Pip. I can't lose him. I can't.

Remember when I said this would be a happy day without any drama or stress?

Yeah, I've never been more wrong in my entire life.

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