if I were you

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"tell that fucker to call me directly. I know...yeah ill probably be here but don't count on it...yeah in like ten minutes...yeah bye"

hanging up the phone, the brown-haired female walks toward her couch, on it a suitcase. she starts moving around, packing. the only noise in the room being the rustling of her moving around in a rush to pack.

unbeknownst to her, a lady enters the room dressed in a lounge suit and a revolver in hand. the newly arrived young woman, clumsy as she is, bumps into a table making a fuss. the brunette turns around, startled by the sudden noise, she sees a woman with silver hair. quickly collecting herself she starts speaking.

"shit, that scared me- ", the silver-haired interrupted her

 "Why are you trying to be calm and uh-"


"yeah whatever....glad that you're surprised to see me, which you won't be for long, now hands up," the intruder says, pointing the gun at the brunette, and removing the hat from her head placing it on the hotel room's table. and the brunette slightly widens her eyes a small smile present on her face.

"This is very dramatic, ash. also why does your hair like a unicorn pooped on your head?", the brunette says, rolling her eyes. and she turns around continuing her packing." and where did you find the gun? I haven't seen you in a month and you come back with a gun- ugh-"

the brown-haired girl yelps as she's turned around and held by the waist, coming face to face with the silver-haired woman." you haven't changed much, you still blush when you're close to me, Vivi", the intruder says, grinning. Vivian(vivi) looks up, as the silver-haired woman was slightly taller, squints her eye, and huffs.

"How did you find me, ash?", vivian says, still in the woman's grasp. the silver head laughs, throwing her gun onto the couch and holding vivian with both her hands." well you weren't doing that good of a job at hiding".

"excuse you, I'm doing a perfect job at hiding", the brunette fires back with a pout on her plump lips." you're just a good seeker"

the intruder laughs again, joining her and the shorter female's forehead. the brunette sighs in relief, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment. they stay like this for a few minutes before the brunette sighs again looking up at the silver head.

"gods I missed you. after we separated at Rochester  I came here to Essex and I didn't know where to look for you", the brunette says with sadness in her voice."ï missed you so much, I couldn't even function properly because I was worried sick that you're probably dead in a ditch somewhere". the silver-haired female laughs at the last statement and kisses her lover on the forehead.

"I'm right here, babe. and I won't leave you again", the silver head said as she pulls in the brunette for a hug. the brunette sighs in content. happy to finally be in her lover's arms.

" do you have a car?", says ash as she pulls away from the hug." no, the car in front of my house is a bull I killed and covered with metal, why?" replied Vivi sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Yeah yeah, I shouldn't have asked, but we've got to leave, Skye's waiting for us", ash answers glancing up at the clock in the hotel room." it's 10, isn't this around the time the milkman comes here"

"you seem to know a lot", says the brunette raising an eyebrow " also Skye? I thought you lost all forms of communication and how did you get the gun?"

"long story short, I met with a dude after we separated- tried to kill me- I killed him-took his gun-his gang found me-told that I'm from 'the lights'-him and Skye are best friends-he gave me a phone- and I called Skye and told her everything that happened blah blah blah now I'm here", ash was out of breath by the end of the story and Vivi's eyes were wide.

"wow and I thought you were dead in a ditch", says Vivi with a hint of playfulness in her voice.

" well you should be glad I'm not", ash replies cockily. and Vivi replies with hum and ash squints her eye slowly creeping up behind Vivi who was turned around and laying down on the couch.

ash jumps onto the brunette attacking her side with tickles and Vivi bursts out laughing flailing around like a fish." stop!! stop you unicorn poop head!!", "did you just call me a unicorn poop head?" ash asks and continues to tickle vivi.


ash stops tickling Vivi and cuddles her on the sofa, tired after the tickle fight. they both lay there for what felt like hours cuddling each other, they missed the presence of each other. it was silent but it was a comfortable one.

"I'm hungry babe", the taller says, breaking the silence. Vivi sighs for the nth time that day.

"I think I have some ramen in the cupboard ill get it for you", Vivi stands up and walk towards the small kitchen in the hotel room, searching in the cupboards she finds the ramen and keeps it on the countertop. she was going to heat some water up in the kettle when she felt arms snaking around her waist.

she turns around and looks up at Ash, her blue eyes were darker than before, ash moves towards the brunette's neck leaving open-mouthed kisses along the shorter jaw. Vivi felt a shiver go down her spine as Ash held onto her thighs, picking her up and placing her on the counter, the kisses becoming rougher. 

Vivi whimpers when she felt ash biting and sucking her soft spot. another shiver of pleasure goes down her spine as ash pulls away and faces her looking like she was asking for permission, "kiss me you, idiot", ash grins granting Vivi's wish by diving into a kiss. the kiss got more reverent as vivi runs her hand through ash's hair and she lets out a moan as ash picks her up and moves towards the bed, dropping her and climbing on top.

and the night passed by with soft touches and small giggles from the lovers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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