Trussed Up and Truthful

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 She has goals, you know? Too many of them? Maybe. But goals nonetheless. This before her is one of them. Things to tick off on the checklist now include capturing Accelerate and perfecting anti-speedster rope.  If this didn't feel like some ridiculous Wiley Coyote-Road Runner moment she might ever gloat a little. Okay, she was definitely going to gloat some.

(What, you think heroes are saints?)

"Looks like you're all tied up." She can't help but snicker  at the affronted look on Ben's face. "I'll just be taking those," she pried the cases from one hand, then the other. "And these," she lifted the stolen badge from his neck. "And this." She smirked as she pulled his communicator from his silver collar, shoving it into one of her belt loops.

Ben wriggled in the ropes, giving her his best glare. "You know, when a man usually finds himself in a situation like this -" Nancy placed a hand over his mouth, shushing him as she tossed the cases onto her hoverboard.

"Don't even say it. We don't have that kind of relationship." She let out a yelp of disgust as Ben licked her hand. Nearby the spirit of one of the employees who had unfortunately passed on the property laughed at them and Nancy shot him a dirty look before refocusing on Ben. Glad to know that someone was getting some enjoyment out of the evening.

"What are you, five?!? I told you if I ever tied you up, I'd return everything. I'm keeping my word." Industrial espionage was bad enough without adding to the fact that Ben had chosen to steal from a highly touchy tech firm. If he got caught his whole career was bust, and  Nancy was rather proud of the paradoxical good he did as a Senator. 

(Theirs was a fragile truce, in that each knew the others day jobs and pretended otherwise, if only to keep up their nightly dance. Besides, for all his flaws after dark, Ben was an impeccable politician, actually defending the weak and needy of the city. Nancy was becoming a pro at compartmentalizing emotions, sorting evening Ben and day Ben into two very different categories.)

So as soon as she returned the cases to the appropriate rooms, returning the key card to the sleeping guard's chest, she came back for her villain. Ben was waiting where she left him and seemed to have given up on vibrating through the ropes if his morose expression was anything to go by.

"This one is a winner." He tossed the compliment with the same grudging respect he gave their mutual friend Nike's taste in horror flicks. "A lot like the inventor." He turned a megawatt smile on her and Nancy snorted.

"Well given tonight's events," she smiled as sweetly as she could, "I'd say you're in a knotty situation." Ben groaned, the Senator smile fading to the one she knew so well, one charming and cute for all its lopsided authenticity.

"That was terrible, Spectre."

Nancy's grin as she hauled him to his feet and tossed him over her hoverboard was met with a wince and an exhale from Ben. 

"At least buy me dinner first!" he complained as they were rendered invisible and she towed him towards the exit. "Better yet, let me buy you dinner!" 

"Yeah? And what would we have?" She answered offhandedly, concentrating on pulling them through the walls without tripping the systems. She needn't have worried. Ghost powers were a sure way to avoid mortal weapons and guards. 

"Anything you want. Afterall, a woman as smart as you deserves only the best." They paused halfway through a re-inforced steel wall.


"Truthful! This rope is awful."

She chuckled, his whine only making the evening better. It wasn't long before they were on the lawn outside the facility, streetlamps the only other illumination in the misty night. "I'm going to let you go, Accelerate." She watched as he went alert at her unspoken caveat. "But you have to swear to leave this place alone. These people could do real damage to a mutual friend of ours."

She crouched so that they were on level and Ben nodded solemnly before a slow smile quirked his lips.

"This friend of ours, is he just as handsome as me, blond, and very good with his mouth? Because whatever he's promised you," his laugh was silver in the humid air, "I can say it sweeter!"

Nancy rolled her eyes. "Just promise me, okay?" The last thing she needed was Ben literally trying to one up himself. Her relief when he nodded was almost palpable.

"Fine, but about that dinner -"


"Not even a little?"

Her answer was a smirk and the knife that carefully freed him. 

Nancy: 2

Ben: 1

Pyro: -1 (He was supposed to be on watch duty)

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