Chapter I: A Dare

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There they were, in front of the abandoned hospital. It has been ominously sitting atop the hill for generations. It hasn't been torn down, either because it would be a waste of time and money -- or they were scared of what lurks within.

Silas and his girlfriend, Emily had the misfortune to be dared into waltzing into the bare building. They weren't alone, however. Their friends, Robert and Josef, had tagged along with them. They,"needed some footage for our YouTube channel, dudes!" So at least the groups endeavor would last forever on the unending being that is

Josef powered on the video camera and turned it on himself. "Hey YouTube! Its me, JuicyJoe with another thrilling video! Today, I brought along some friends. You guys wanna state your names to the camera?"

"Robert Asher, also known as Sexy Beast" Rob said the second the camera hit his face.

Emily chuckled, rolled her eyes, and said,"Emily Martzuth. And here is the best boyfriend in the world, Silas Absinthe."

"Can we just get this over with? Its freezing out here." Silas said, trying to sound as macho as possible in front of his girlfriend.

"As requested by Mr. Absinthe, were gonna get right to the good part, which is treading headfirst into the abandoned hospital near our town. Very dangerous, yes, but we're willing to do it," said Josef to the camera.

As they stepped out of the crisp night air and into the slightly warmer atmosphere of the hospital, a shiver ran down Silas' spine. As soon as the band of friends walked into the building, Silas knew that something was going to happen. Nevertheless, they strode on. "How about we split up?" Emily offered. Without missing a beat, Josef yelled,"Are you insane?! Isn't that when people start dying in the movies?" Emily held up her hands and said,"Alright, forget I asked." Then, a set of headlights lit up the lobby. "Shit, hide!" Silas said. He had no idea what was coming their way, and he didn't want to know. The headlights were switched off. The sound of a car's doors opening, then closing filled the ears of the group. They all had hide under the reception desk. They all went dead silent when they heard the door creak open. Silas breathed a sigh of relief when the figure spoke. "Agent Warner of D.O.M.E. team Iron reporting. I have arrived at the site of the Ardios sighting. Request to continue." The voice was mysterious, but also human. The crackle of a Walkee-Talkee sounded near the door. "Roger, Warner. Proceed with caution. Tier three monster,'ardios' is on floor two, surgical room." The crackle once again sounded throughout the room, followed by heavy footfalls.

The footsteps passed, and Silas and his friends were safe to rise. "I'm gonna go follow him. I wanna know what the hell's up with this guy," Silas said, getting up. A wave of protest rushed over him when he said that from everyone but Emily. "If you're going, I'll come with." Emily said, rising as well. "Well, someone has to record you dumbasses" said Josef. "What he said." Robert added. They all stealthily followed the man, unsure of what waited for them.

Silas rushed up the steps to scout things out. A loud thud came from the first door on the right. Silas immediately ran over and twisted the knob. In the room, a terrible event was revealed to Silas. A horrible, skinless creature half the height of a human was holding its razor-sharp, footlong-claws over the neck of the man. "GET THE GUN! AIM FOR THE HEART!" The man yelled. Silas picked up the gun. It resembled a small shotgun, but could easily pass for a handgun. Silas lined up the... ardios?... In his sights and pulled the trigger. Silas was terribly unprepared for the kick, and he nearly broke his wrist and dropped the gun. The ardios died with a roar, and slumped itself down onto the man that could only be Agent Warner. Before Silas could get his wits gathered, a second creature jumped onto his back, and Silas tried his best to prevent the horrid thing from severing his jugular. "SILAS!" a voice shouted behind him.

Silas felt the force of a blunt object being swung down onto the beast's skull, killing it instantly. Silas wheeled around to see Emily bludgeoning the ardios with a flashlight. He jogged over to her and told her to stop. Emily was breathing heavily, and Silas tried to calm her down. "that was awesome" she whispered. Warner said to them both"Thank you. I would've died." He pulled out a card. "We have some things to discuss. Come alone, if you're interested." And with that, he departed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2015 ⏰

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