Smart Sanitizer Pro Review

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Phone germs, you're toast! ... Uh, even as soon as I check the responses to my latest Reddit post. And like my wife's latest Instagram photo. Oh, and text back my mama. But then , Dude Jr., it's right into the UV toaster for you!

are around for a minimum of 8 years now - the primary one I saw was in 2012, the PhoneSoap combo sanitizing case and charger - almost as long because the knowledge that smartphone uv sanitizers are a cesspool of germs whose germiness knows no equivalent. (2018 even brought us the UVee adult toy cleaner!) UV light's ability to pulverize microbes has also been proven for a few time. Both are experiencing a surge of recognition in 2020 as we battle COVID-19, so I'm seeing tons more pouches and cases promising to kill dead the bacteria and viruses that have leached onto all of your most-touched possessions.

This UV toaster is not any different in function, it just looks tons more cute 'n' clever. Though just an idea , i do not see any reason why designer Lee Sungwook couldn't bring this concept to UV light. It should have a minimum of another slot, though, and perhaps a family version with 4. a bit like nobody ever wants only one piece of toast every 2 to 4 minutes, nobody wants to disinfect only one piece of technology therein time either.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2020 ⏰

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