Prologue: "Drax"

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This wasn't my first case. Far from it. It wasn't the first time I'd be traveling internationally for a case either. However, in the ten years that I'd been doing this type of work, I'd never had a case quite like this.

I was seated in a chair, across the table from my employer. She was an older woman, and had been doing our work far longer than I had. Never learned her real name, but referred to her as Tess, because that was what she preferred.

The room was comparatively dim, as only two of the five lights still worked, but it'd been that way for as long as I could remember. I could see perfectly fine despite the dark. Tess had her arms folded, and she got up from her seat, her back towards me.

"Think you can handle it, Roan?" She asked, referring to the mess of a case she had just described to me.

I sighed, leaning forward a little, "Have I ever turned down a target before?"
I couldn't see her, as she was still facing the opposite direction, but I could tell she had the slightest hint of a smile across her mouth now, "No. You've never let me down," She did face me then, "Repeat to me what you know."

I adjusted my hat a bit, meeting her gaze, "The target is male, age unknown, but speculated to be a young adult. He's a thief, but an extremely good one. He's behind the robberies at Buckingham Palace."

"Very good," Tess said, returning to her seat, "I know you're not used to hunting thieves. I've pitted you after people you probably consider to be much bigger adversaries before. But trust me when I say, this man is no ordinary thief. The reports about him...They worry me. I want you to stay on your guard."

I stood that time, pushing in my chair afterward, "I've never failed to capture a target before," I said to her, "I'm not going to let this one get the best of me either."

Tess smiled a little wider, "Do you have any idea how much the Queen's gonna pay once someone turns this guy in? The amount of money on his head, Roan...If you're the one that bags him, you could retire."

"I'm not that old," I laughed, but receded back into a bit of silence before asking, "You really think this could be my last case?"

She shrugged, "I know this wasn't what you pictured yourself doing, Roan. And you're right, you're still pretty young. You catch this thief, and you could settle down. Start a little family like you've always wanted."

I sighed and leaned against the table, "That is my dream, Tess. To own a place, real close to here, to home. Maybe have a few children. But I..." I sighed again, facing Tess, "You know why I can't have that."

She embraced me, and I returned it, "Roan, things might change someday. Things change all the time."

"I know," Was all I said.

She let go of me, "Well? Get on out of here. You've got to get yourself over to London. Ain't going to find a British thief here in Santa Fe."

"Stay safe, Tess," I smiled, tipping my hat towards her.

"You too, Roan," She returned the gesture, and we went our separate ways.


I kept a brisk pace as I walked along the darkened streets of London. It was cold, mid-autumn, but I didn't let it get to me. Despite the frigid air and the dark shrouded streets, I knew exactly where I was going.

I'd lost my mother when I was sixteen. My father and older brother had abandoned the two of us a few years prior. I was alone, left to fend for myself on the unforgiving streets of London, England. Needless to say, I knew my way around during the day and the night.

The walk from where I stayed to where I was going, took around a half hour on a good day. Sometimes it took longer, and sometimes less time if I ran. Today was rough. I found myself dwelling on a few memories of mine.

I was paranoid, to say the least. I was caught up in a very bad relationship a few years back, and managed to free myself of it. However, I never stopped feeling like I was being watched. Like that person from my past was still searching for me.

I rounded the corner, finding the space I was trying to get to. The alley was dismal, and appeared to any outsiders to be a series of brick walls that met up in the middle. I knocked on the innermost wall, and waited patiently. A hidden door swung open.

I felt a smile form on my face as I entered, tossing my flat cap hat aside and pulling my shirt up over my head. I ran my fingers through my curly black hair, mussing it up a bit. It felt so good to be back. I'd been so busy with my work recently that I hadn't stopped by the fight club in a while.

"Drax!" A few men yelled triumphantly.

My smile widened. I didn't belong out on the relentless streets of London. The same streets where gangs roamed freely, including the gang I was once part of. I was done being the weakest link, the pitiful broken boy I'd been seven years ago.

I wasn't ridiculed here. No one called me by the name that I'd been given by my mother. I was worshiped here. Dauntless. Ruthless. Awing. Xenial. Drax.

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