Chapter Two: "Unlikely Pair"

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I shrugged off my jacket, set my hat down, and removed my flannel shirt before looking at the man. I asked, "Are you Drax?"

He was slightly taller than me, maybe an inch and a half taller. But he looked younger. Quite a bit younger actually. He couldn't have been more than twenty-four. He nodded, "What've you heard about me?" He spoke with a strong British accent, and I couldn't tell if it was because he'd always lived in London, or if he'd picked it up since he'd been stealing from Brits for so long.

"A few things," I answered. I couldn't help myself. My eyes wandered. He had a long scar down his chest, another scar across his collarbone, and a tattoo of something on his shoulder.

"All bad I hope," He smirked. He had blood red eyes that seemed to glow in the dimly lit room. I felt incredibly uneasy when he held my gaze like that. He had the eyes of a killer.

"Stop stalling!" Someone in the crowd yelled.

Drax took a defensive stance, and I readied myself for the fight.


I had to admit, I was shocked when a ruggishly handsome man who had to have been from America stepped into my favorite London fight club. But, I quickly regained my composure and with some effort managed to drag my thoughts away from the cowboy with cobalt eyes and shoulder length wavy brown hair.

He wasn't that good looking anyway. Sure, his facial features were admirable. His arms looked strong, his hair soft. But he could stand to lose some weight. If he did that, he'd be godly beautiful.

I threw the first punch. The Cowboy, Roan, he dodged it easily, then he launched a blow of his own. I ducked and landed my fist firmly. From there, I noticed two things. The first, was that Roan had a snake tattoo on his arm. The second, he had a vertical scar through his right eye, "How'd that happen?" I asked, gesturing towards his eye.

He landed a kick that nearly knocked me over. Then he smirked, "How'd you get those?" He nodded towards my own scars.

I grimaced, but steadied myself and grabbed Roan's arm, twisting it behind his back. He didn't scream, but his face contorted in agony. I almost felt bad. Almost. Taking advantage of his weakness, I delivered a sharp uppercut to his jaw, and Roan fell against the floor.

"You're good," He smiled, pushing himself to his feet.

"Round two for the Cowboy?" I taunted. He nodded and ran towards me, but I sidestepped easily. I tripped him instead, and he stumbled, but he caught himself and landed a swift left hook, "That all you've got, pretty boy?" I asked afterward.

He smirked, "You think I'm pretty?" He got several good hits in while he spoke.

I rolled my eyes, "Americans. They only hear what they want to hear," I knocked him down again. He struggled, but got back onto his feet. I almost gasped, "Mighty persistent, aren't you, Cowboy?"

"I don't give up when I want something."

I landed a few punches, "Tell me then, what is it that you want?"

He caught me entirely off guard and threw me over his shoulder. My back hit the floor and he stood over me, "I wanted to beat you." I struggled to catch my breath, and once I had, Roan extended his hand. I flinched instinctively, but he didn't hit me. Hesitantly, I took his outstretched hand, and soon was standing beside him. I locked eyes with the charming American man who had not given up and had bested me in combat.

"Let's hear it for Roan!" The owner, a man named Jayle, spoke loudly.

I looked away and quickly dropped Roan's hand, "Going to show your face 'round here again, or are you satisfied with bestin' me and ruinin' my reputation once?"

He shrugged, "I'd rather talk to you than fight you. Can that be arranged?"

I figured he knew more than he was letting on, "All bark and no bite, Cowboy?"

A smirk formed on his face, "If fighting is the only way I can see you, I'll just show up here again tomorrow."

With a sigh, I threw my hat on top of my messy curls, "You have five minutes. Talk to me."


Drax leaned against the wall outside. I stood facing him, "What's your real name?"

"Classified," He said quickly.

"Alright," I paused, "Sugar it is."

"What?! Drax. My name is Drax!"

I stifled a laugh. I'd always enjoyed having a bit of fun with the people I was after. There wasn't anything wrong with a little bit of taunting. I met his gaze, "How long have you been stealing from the people of London, Sugar?"

He didn't answer the question, probably because I'd made him angry, and instead punched me in the face. I hadn't anticipated it, and I winced when his fist made contact. I wasn't bleeding, but my jaw hurt pretty bad.

"Call. Me. Drax," He hissed, his face inches from mine. For a few moments, I didn't move, and neither did he. Then, he bolted.

"Wait!" I called, stupidly. He wouldn't wait. I ran after him, and was shocked by how fast he was. I'd always considered myself one of the fastest people I knew, but I was struggling to match pace with Drax.


"Faster, Cowboy," I teased as I headed towards the dock near the Thames River. I faltered for a moment, because I knew I had time before the American caught up with me. What exactly was my plan? Sidestep at the last minute and let him plunge into the water?
I dared a look over my shoulder. Roan was gaining, so I picked up the pace again. Then, I must have overestimated how long the dock was. I teetered precariously over the edge, and then I fell in. I resurfaced briefly, gasping for air, and then I started sinking.

I'd never learned how to swim. I'd been afraid of getting anywhere near the water since I was twelve. I almost drowned then. A second time, when I was seventeen, I angered the wrong people, and was thrown in the river. Barely got out of that. Now, here I was. Drowning in the Thames again.

Then, something wrapped around me. What, I didn't know. But, regardless, whatever it was lifted me. I coughed violently, taking in as much air as I could, and then I stopped. Roan had grabbed me and pulled me to the surface. His arms were wrapped around my waist, and I was pressed tightly against his chest. I looked away, "I can take care of myself, Cowboy."

He smiled, "You would've drowned without me, Sugar."

He wasn't wrong, but I cursed, "If you call me 'Sugar' one more time, I swear, I'll-"

My voice was cut off by the sound of a carriage stopping near the docks. I whispered another curse, and Roan quirked up an eyebrow in confusion. I mouthed, "Cops. Bloody cops." 

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