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Percy raised his brows in surprise. He stared at the boy clothed in black at his feet, trying to remember where he’d seen him before. The stranger tried to scramble to his feet, but Marcus forced him back to his knees. The boy glared at the heavy set sailor but didn’t move again.

“What is this?” The prince asked his two crewmen.

“Stowaway, Cap’n.” Cesar replied.

Percy bit his lip, contemplating the situation thrust upon him.

“He says he knows you, Captain.” Marcus stated. Percy eyes the boy curiously. He was kind of cute in a scruffy, haven’t-slept-in-a-few days kind of way.

“Tie his hands.” The prince ordered then turned away from the stowaway, “Then leave us.”
His men did as they were told soon it was just Percy and the stranger together in the room. The captain sat behind his desk and watched as the dark-haired boy climbed shakily to his feet.

“What’s your name?”

The reply was low and nervous, “Nico. Nico di Angelo.”

Percy remembered that name. He sat forward, surprise engraved in his features, “Nico di Angelo? As in Prince Nico of the Underworld?”

The younger boy nodded. Immediately, Percy stood up, grabbing a knife off his desk, and cut the ropes binding the other prince’s hands.

“Thanks.” Nico rubbed his wrists.

“That doesn’t mean you’re off the hook.” The sea prince studied the other boy, “Why are you on my ship?”

He smiled, “Can I have my sword back?”

Percy glared at him, “If you can give me a good reason as to why you’re hiding out on my ship.”

Nico smiled, a cocky grin that made the other boy feel like he’d missed something, and stepped closer, invading Percy’s bubble. He looked up into those sea green eyes and spoke, “Maybe I’m here because I have an ass of a father who won’t let me go on quests.” His eyes darted down to Percy’s lips so quickly that the sea prince thought he had imagined it, “Maybe-” The younger boy turned around, moving a few strides away, “Maybe it’s because I want to rebel. Maybe-” He turned back to Percy. This time the gaze on the older Prince’s lips was obvious, “Maybe it’s something else.”

The captain shifted uncomfortably under the Nico’s gaze, “Whatever your reason is, I’m sure you can figure it out in the brig.”

The prince of the Underworld’s eyes widened, “Wait what? You can’t-”

Percy grabbed the other boy’s arm and dragged him out of his cabin, pulling him down the stairs. The captain’s harsh actions caused the crew members to cease their work and stare at the scene the two princes were making.

“Marcus!” Percy shouted. The plump man appeared in front of the two royals, “Put him in the brig until we get back to my father’s kingdom.”

“Yes, Captain.” He replied, harshly yanking Nico from Percy and leading him away.

“Cesar.” The prince’s voice carried over his crew without him having to raise it.

“Yes, Captain?” The boy separated himself from the crowd.

“The boy had a sword, did he not?”

“He did, sir.”

“Bring it to my cabin.”

With that, Percy signaled for his crew to continue their work, and he returned to his quarters.

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