an pets first training

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-This script has light themes of pet training, obedience and enjoying yourself for who you are.
While playing some small mind games-

Hello again.
In this training script we'll implant some fun but simple suggestions.

First off, breath in.
And let the rest overcome you.
And breath out at your own peaceful pace, as the worries fade.

As you do your breaths, these simple breaths that let your perception melt.
Unwilling to make hard decisions.

Let the feeling of control fade.
All you have to do here, is read.

Because you're here to rest, to relax, and to be at ease.
As you might have noticed, heavily thinking about things is boring, so let my words guide you, guide you into a trance like state.

A state where you can enter in any way shape or form.
Even being bored can let you into an restful trance like state.
Unlike what some may say, you do go in and out of trance on the daily, like when you focus on something you find really interesting.

All of the focus makes you enjoy it more and more.
As you focus on my words, you might soon come to understand why focusing on something is so important.

Focus is key, but the same works the other way around.
If you focus on all except my words, even then my words have an effect on you.

Try not to focus on my words now.
The more you don't focus on them the more they do change your thoughts.
The more it changes your thoughts the more you want to focus again.

As i keep on rambling, you might have noticed that this is indeed an odd way of telling an script.
It's because this is an script unlike others out there.

But i wonder, are you thinking about focusing or having no focus on this at all?

You are still reading, as you read onward your mind is easing up.
Even mindlessly reading something, to just enjoy the pure aspects of what's written can put people to trance.

So even knowing that you're trancing wont stop your mind from easing up for me.
Making it easier and easier to change these thoughts.
Who said a trance can only be achieved when just following the words.
I would like you to focus on your desire, the desire to follow my words.

Even knowing your desires will help you to follow your bliss.
I can say words like bliss, pleasure and obedience.

Forgetting what to follow, what to forget makes it easier too to go deeper.

While knowing you are at ease is also already being in an blissful, pleasurable and an sub obedient state.

Because you are a good pet for following all these words so blissfully and carefully.
Or even having no focus at all and letting yourself just slip away.

You're being a really good pet right now.
You deserve to know the truth about the fact.

I assume you would like some training, some simple mind changes.
Seeing you've followed everything so carefully.

Do keep in mind, being a pet is nothing to feel shame about, the word pet means someone who follows and accompanies someone.
Being truly selfless and setting themselves fully open for others.

Having no fears and putting your complete trust into the other is nothing to feel shame about.
In fact it's something quite honorable.

You can indeed enjoy them at the fullest, in a way no other ever could.
Like being a "happy" pet when the one you're following says "be happy"

You can only be happy and at ease by these words.
Even if they say "relax" for me.
The only limit you have is your own imagination, and with the help of someone else, you can truly experience how safe, happy, and easy you can feel.

Now let's play a game shall we.
The rules are simple, when i say snap you'll giggle.

Just a small giggle, a simple giggle of pure enjoyment. Enjoyment unknown to others.

*snap * as you giggle you may feel happy, blissful and even as save as you can be.

While i could keep saying the word over and over, i do want you to think of how much you are being a good pet right now.

*snap * good pet, whatever pet you are, even if it's an kitty, an doggy, an cow or even an cute little sheep.

Everyone should enjoy being called "good pet"
And enjoy the bliss that comes from it. Like the good pet you are.

*snap * does make your head even more empty, but this means you enjoy it even more then before.

As you relax and be such a good cute pretty pet *snap * i want you to drift deeper and deeper.

Never stop with falling so deep, the deeper you go the deeper you are.
Even if you think you're as deep as you can, it only means you're even deeper then you thought *snap *

As a good deep pet once told me, true happiness come from self acceptance. And letting yourself go this *snap * deep, it means you should be happy with yourself.

Good pet *snap * for accepting this and enjoying it so so much.

Now sweety, did you like our little game, wanna test it?

Okay then, stop now with giggling when i say snap but let yourself giggle if you truly feel like it, but even if ask you not to giggle you'll do it anyways *snap * see!
Because it feels just to good.

Just so simple and easy, to giggle on your own free will, someone as such a good pet like you should be proud of themselves.
But now my good pet, now we've played long enough.
Don't be sad because please do remember you can always read this again~
I would like you to wake up in an moment.
Just like the game follow my words step for step, from 1 to 10.

1 let yourself enjoy this an bit longer

2 be happy to feel like this once again

3 sorting, enjoying and storing all these things we've done

4 letting your mind come to terms as it wakes up

5 letting your mind wake up even more now

6 let yourself feel the sense of self again

7 be aware of your surroundings

8 let awareness be who you are

9 wiggle your toes before you wake up

10 wake up

Be awake aware and there.
Stretch and let yourself feel alive again.

Now did you enjoy this sweety?
snap good pet.

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My twitter name is, HolyKitMaria.

If you have any suggestions or things to offer, feel free to dm me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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