Chapter Five

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Luke's pov

I couldn't believe what I had seen on the TV. Jen looked just as shocked and scared as I was. We both agreed that it was a stupid mistake, but was this really news worthy? I saw Jen was getting all the hate which was what I should be getting since I was the one who kissed her first.

"Hey lovebirds, can we get a picture?" A voice said behind us. We turned to see a group of two guys and three girls pulling out their phones.

"It was a mistake!" Jen cried out. "A stupid mistake!" She pushed her way through the crowd heading towards the front doors.

"Jen wait!" I called after her, but she didn't seem to hear me and ran outside. I turned my eyes from the doors to the group standing in front of me looking confused and gave them a glare.

"What? We just wanted a picture with you guys." A girl with light brown hair said.

"You didn't have to say it like that." I replied a little coldly. I didn't mean to be but this wasn't a good time for the both of us. The last thing we needed was to have more pictures taken of us and fueling this thing. I walked past the group and headed outside. I looked around the parking lot trying to find Jen but had no luck. I pulled out my phone to call her just when it rang and Blake's name appeared on the screen. I sighed and answered it.


"Dude, you and Jen are all over the TV. Even CMT and GAC." He said. I rolled my eyes since I had already knew that and really didn't need to be reminded of it every two minutes.

"I know. Jen and I are out at lunch and it's on here too." I replied.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He put emphasis on hell.

"I wasn't. Jen and I are trying to fix this. We're praying Ben hasn't seen it yet."

"True." I looked to the right and saw Jen sitting on the tailgate of my truck. She was bent over looking like she was talking on the phone.

"Hey I gotta go. I'll talk to you later."

"Alright man. Hope things work out."

"Me too. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up and started walking towards her.

Jennifer's pov

I ran to Luke's truck and pulled the tailgate and climbed on. I buried my face in my hands knowing how stupid I was and embarrassed that I had even been caught by the press. Those people need to wear a freaking bell so we know when they're coming. Who knows how long this was out and on how many newsfeeds. I knew Ben's shop got magazines and news papers. Some every day, some weekly, and some monthly. I hoped the story wasn't printed by then. Suddenly, my phone rang making me lose my thoughts. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the screen. It was Amber.  I sighed and answered it.

"Hey." I said so low I didn't think she heard me. Wrong.

"Hey what's going on? I just watched the news and the main story is about you kissing Luke." She said. Just great, it was enough it was even out there, but it had to be the main one.

"There's not enough stories going on that that has to be the main one? Let alone any at all?" I asked.

"Sweetie, it's okay. I just want your story." I told her the story for the millionth time of our fight, the walk on the beach, then the moment with Luke.

"I just don't know what to do." I said as I finished. "I still love Ben, I just feel like I don't deserve him."

"Jen that's not true! If he's going to be an overreacting jealous asshole, that's his problem. Luke is just a friend who just happened to be there when you needed it. He didn't act like that when you were hanging with Blake."

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