Kageyama x Avian! Hinata 1

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My wings propelled me forward as fast as physically possible.

My feathers were getting ruffled but the gust of wind from the other crows in my murder.

We were getting tailed by multiple owls, one of them was targeting me, as if playing with me.

My wings were giving out. I looked behind me for one second, that was my biggest mistake.

I crashed into the murder member in front of me, causing him to ram to the one in front of him, this caused a domino affect.

The owls dove down trying to catch the other crows.

I had to get away, 'this is all my fault- if only I didn't-' I was cut mid thought by the searing pain in my wing.

One of the owls with black and white feathers stained in red caught up to me and tried to grab me, but slipped last second, still getting scratched in the process.

I let out a screech, before flapping my wings harder, straining them, and splattering droplets of crimson everywhere. I looked behind me, seeing my murder members being torn to shreds, their feathers flying into the air

My eyes swelled up with tears.
Time froze for a second, as I took in the blood shed. It splattered into the air showering the trees with crimson.

Time sped up again, as I flew faster than was possible, the muscle in my wings throbbed, I dove into the crowded forest, deciding it was the safest place to loose owls.

The dizziness of my blood loss finally caught up to me, I didn't even realize how deep it was.

The branches broke my fall to an extent but at a cost.

I felt some of my fm wing's feathers get ripped off by the tips of the branches.

I fell onto the ground, I heard a sickening crack.

I calmed down a little seeing that I was safe for now, I tried to get up by heaving with my arms and legs but couldn't.

A jolt of pain coursed thru my body as I realized I had been hurt more than I noticed. I flopped onto the ground again.

The adrenaline coursing thru me stopped, a huge pain erupted from my wings, and rib cage near them.

My vision flashed black, a red seeping into the corners of it.

It was so cold.

Where's the warmth?.

It's fading...

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