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No it happened I didn't shift now the alpha will alpha order everyone not to talk to me then I noticed that shine didn't shift either so I ran over there and I hug her while she cried the reason why I am not crying because I don't care I have a feeling that we will be something big and be more powerful than anyone else in the world I know this because I read the. Book of werewolves that was written by the moon goddess herself it is said that two girls will not shift their mates will reject them but they will not be affected by the rejection and they will find their true mates and shift into their wolf but many other creatures and their mates will get a power when the couples are fully mated I looked at her and gasped she gasped to and said "impossible" then she whispered so low so no one can hear her she said "we have to run away in like 4 years time so we can have something to say in the note we are going to write we will get through this together" j nodded and kissed her cheek then turned to face a angry alpha so I said "hello alpha Colliston" but as soon I said that he slapped me so I got mad and punched him in the face then we started fighting and he shifted to his werewolf form which didn't scare me at all but then he linked me and said to me but everyone heard he said "I challenge you to death" so I laughed and said "I accept" then we fought and I won but I gave his beta the alpha status because I don't want to be a alpha but he was a ass so he ordered me and shine as omegas but I didn't care so I smirked and said "if any of you put your hands on us I am killing u all" then a slut said "yea whatever you won't be able to because you're weak once u are a omega" so I said back "why don't u be a test dummy" then she said "sure" so we started fighting but I still kicked her ass and I yelled out "do anyone else want to get there asses whooped by me" no one said nothing so me and shine but I said " I am not staying here for 4 years we need to leave now" I said looking at her with tears in my eyes shine looked shocked because I haven't cried since kindergarten so we did just that we went to go pack I packed all my clothes in one book bag then packed another with shoes makeup and hair products when shine was packed we started running when we got across the border the pack connection broke. We are both rouges now but we kept running not knowing we entered someone's territory until we heard growling.

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