Action Figures and Stained Jeans

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The smell of freshly cut grass filled my nose as I rolled around on the ground with my older brother, Clay. I was five and he was eight and our parents were happy. My dad was a construction worker and my momma stayed home to watch us.

"Hey!" Clay yelled as he threw a fist full of dirt at my face. I instantly tackled him and forcefully took his Batman action figure away from him.

"Give that back Samantha!" Clay shouted.

"No! You threw sand at me," I stuck my tongue out at him and he balled his small hands up into fists. He quickly pounced on me and took hold of his Batman toy and tried to pull it out of my grip.

"Stop it! You're going to break it!" he screeched.

"Maybe I want it!" I squealed. We tugged on it some more until we heard Momma stomp out on the porch.

"Both of you, stop that horseplay right now!" Momma yelled

"Momma! Tell Samantha to give my toy back!" Clay whimpered. Momma rushed down the porch steps and swiped the toy out of my hand and smacked me in the face.

"You should know better than to play with toys meant for only boys. Now get in the house and clean your filthy clothes. Girls don't play in the mud," Momma scowls at me.

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