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A/N Sooo due to your encouragement I'm back!! I really hope you like this and that you vote because it pushes me to write more and other authors may hate when you say 'update now' but I really don't mind. So this chapter is dedicated to everyone who comments and likes or simply took the time out to read my story. Thank you.

She awoke to find herself tied to an expensive chair with slightly soaked vervain ropes. Groggily Caroline looked around to see that she was the center of attention as her 'friends' surrounded her.
"I can't believe you! After all I've been through with Silas tying me up and torturing me you'd really put me in this position?" She said as tears streamed down her cheeks, her eyes growing wide as she struggled against the painful barrier.
"Stop it! Your hurting yourself" Stefan said trying to hold her in place.
"Let go of me! You disgust me you pathetic lovesick creature." Caroline snarled at him. Stefan flinched noticeably at her words. Caroline had never spoken so harshly before. She continued to struggle against the ropes, gritting her teeth as she tried to ignore the pain she was causing herself as the vervain burned her skin.
"What do you mean by tortured?" Klaus said staring intently at her, ignoring the feeling of releasing her from bondage.
"How quickly you forget saving me Klaus... But I guess a baby can make people forget about anything" Caroline said smirking up at him. However her face completely dropped when Klaus ignored her dig at him.
"No love earlier you told Elena that you were tortured and I want to know what you meant by that" Klaus persisted. He looked at her and for almost a second he saw her walls come down and he saw the same Caroline who he rescued from Alaric when his mother had turned him. However it passed before he could analyze it. Instead Caroline raised her chin defiantly and pointedly ignored him.
They all turned to the door as the sound of footsteps got closer. There was a knock and the door slowly open reveling a clearly scared baby vampire.
"What do you want Josh?" Klaus asked not even bothering to hide his anger at being interrupted. When the man didn't reply he quickly found himself pinned against the wall by his throat. "Well don't just stand there. I know you didn't come just to stare at my beautiful and intoxicating face."
" Marcel is here to see you" Josh ground out. Wordlessly Klaus dropped the younger man and vamp sped to his parlor.
"To what do I owe this pleasure old friend " Klaus said before entering. His eyes turned to saucers at the sight in front of him. Marcel was clutching Camille in his arms on the ground as she stared without seeing in front of her. But that was what was worrying. There was blood gushing from her mouth as her body shook. At the sight of him she, if it was possible began to shake even more as her mouth moved fighting against the blood to speak.
"Who did this to her?" Klaus said crouching in front of her.
"I don't know when I got over to her house this was how I found her." Marcel said still staring a pt the helpless girl in his arms.
"Cami I need you to tell who did this to you" he said holding her hand in his own.
"The arghhhh the girl from-" she stop as another spasm rocked throughout her body.
"What girl!" He asked but suspicion arose in him and he felt that he knew who Cami was speaking of.
"The girl from your paintings."

"What girl is she talking about?!" Marcel asked him. Klaus ignored him as he stalked down to the cell where Caroline was being held. Ignoring the others and the smirk that appeared on the captive female he began removing her bonds before tugging her to her feet and carrying her to the parlor.
"What did you do to her?" He asked without any anger. " you know what it doesn't matter just make her better."
The gang who had followed them from the cell and Marcel still on the floor watched them as the stared at each other completely oblivious to everyone else.
"What do I look like to you? A witch?" She asked mockingly completely unaffected by the dying girl on the floor.
"She is going to die if you don't" he replied stalking over to Caroline. He ignored the hot spear of lust that ran through him whenever she was nearby.
"I want your word that you won't lock me up again. You or anyone else. And you won't harm me either. I want my freedom. Give me that and I'll save your precious girlfriend.
"Fine." He said. He watched as shock rippled across her face. Caroline really hadn't expected him to give in so easily. The big bad hybrid hated to be manipulated and usually responded with a murder spree. She hadn't really though he cared so much about the blonde bartender she had met earlier.
"give me your word" she reiterated staring into the the sea of blue eyes which always managed to see beneath the surface of herself delving downwards to the real Caroline.
" I give you my word" Klaus said simply. No sooner had the words been spoken when Cami stopped writhing on the floor taking a deep breath before falling unconscious.

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