Chapter One

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Okay, first a little about y/n.

Name: y/n l/n

Birthday: July 11th

Quirk: Manipulation. You can manipulate anything that you can see, except for people. Meaning you an manipulate the ground, water, school supplies, plants, fire, basically anything you can see.


- you can't manipulate people

- if you can see you can't do anything

- you are very cautious about your eyes, so you protect them at all costs

- even if it's a thin cloth you can't do a lot with your quirk

- your eyes are sensitive to the sun, so you can't stare at it too long.

Blinking does not affect your quirk, as long as you don't blink several times or for a long amount of time.

Okay, time for family:

you have a little brother, who annoys you very much. he's 11.

your mom is a stay at home mom, well not really, she works an online job so she doesn't have to leave the house.

your father is a support hero.

You don't have any other family! that sounded morbid...


If you couldn't tell, i'm a Bakugo kinny and simp.... imagine... I HAVE ANGER ISSUES TAKE THAT AND GO ON😡



You were walking out of your house when you slammed into someone.

"Watch it you fucking extra!" they shouted.

You put a hand to your head, you looked at their uniform. It was the same as yours, If he is in my class, I'm going to scream.

They walked away from you, you yelled out, "Sorry for running into you!" you lowered your voice, "Asshole."


You walked into your class, you were met by a green haired guy, well, no not really. He was blocking the door.

You put a hand on his shoulder, "Excuse me, you're in the way."

"Oh I'm so sorry!" he yelled.

You pulled your head away from him, "You sure talk loud don't you?"

"No, not really... That's usually Kacchan!"

"Okay—" you stepped around him and entered the classroom, you were actually meeted by the teacher.

"You must be the new student? L/n?" Mr. Aizawa asks.

"Yes." you answer, "But please, call me y/n."

He nodded and silenced the class, he was talking and you looked around the room and saw the guy from this morning.

Son of a fucking bitch! AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Now I'm stuck with this idiot all year!

"Why don't you introduce yourself." Mr Aizawa said.

"My name is y/n l/n, but call me y/n! My quirk is Manipulation. I can manipulate anything I can see." you were irritated he was in your class, but you guess you had to deal with him.

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