Chapter 5: Trapped

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The familiar bridge came into view, lily pads and lotus flowers dotting the calm water. The sunset was beautiful, it looked completely different from the sunsets you were used to. Spirits walked around casually, you eyed the kitsune next to you as he followed you across the bridge. "How long are you gonna keep this up?" You asked with a curious glint, his golden eyes flashed to you as he gave a lopsided smile. "Keep what up?" The innocent sarcasm was dripping from his tone of voice as you made eye contact. You sighed before looking at the water, the sunsets reflection casting down on it. "Randomly appearing and teleporting me to a different realm that I know nothing of." You returned the lopsided smile with a bit of sass as he shrugged. "Well you technically have never tried stopping me so~" Your head turned towards him as he chuckled quietly. "Well I was just curious, but now I've somehow made friends with the very beings I've been scared of my whole life-" Your voice got quieter as you passed a few elderly spirits, you noticed you were rambling and quickly zipped your mouth shut.

    "Well to be honest, I was just as curious as you. It surprised me when I began to notice that you could see us, but you would never look a human spirit in the eye." He said with a casual voice, stretching his arms up in the air slightly. "When I was younger, I met a boy who was a spirit and strangely enough, I wasn't afraid of him. We used to play together all day, everyone thought he was an imaginary friend. I was the only one who could see him, which confused me at first until I began realizing nobody else could see any of the spirits." You took a short breath before speaking again.

    "After about a month of being friends, a new spirit appeared, the boy said it was his dad. He was dragged away from me instantly as he saw me, there was a look in his eyes that I've never seen before. His eyes were a piercing blue, it was as if a flame ignited in them. After that, I never saw the boy again. Bad luck followed me for an entire year, it was as if I was cursed or something. After that, I was terrified of human spirits, and I refused to look at their faces, scared something like that would happen again." As you finally finished speaking, you noticed Keigo's eyes were slightly widened. "Wow, I would have had no clue that was the reason why.." His voice got quiet as his eyebrows furrowed. You eyed the kitsune as he was deep in thought.

    "Did any of your family members ever get told about this?" You nodded while looking ahead. "My grandmother was the only one who didnt call me crazy, it was as if she knew exactly what was going on. Shortly after it happened, she passed away. I never really got to hear anything from her, the last thing she said about the matter was that I never ever look into their eyes. I listened of course, but kinda just lived in fear for the rest of my life." You mumbled the last part, a tired expression on your face now. After a few seconds of silence, you spoke up. "Hey, do you think I would be able to find out more about that here? I still have no clue how I can see and travel here, it's starting to drive me crazy-" His laugh brought a small smile to your face. He patted your head softly, catching you off guard. "Of course, I'm sure the library will have some sort of book that will talk about it. But I think your trip for today needs to come to an end." Your eyes blinked slowly as the tiredness was becoming obvious. "Whatever, teleport me back home please-" You couldn't finish speaking as you leaned into Keigo's body, the tiredness taking over.

    In a few short seconds, you were in your apartment. Keigo scoffed softly at your sleeping form. Your facial expression was relaxed as he carried you bridal style to your bed. He placed you down softly, pulling the covers around your body. A warm smile was on his face as he looked at your sleeping self. "Night, kid."

I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm blaring before I picked up my phone and stopped the alarm. As I sat up, I noticed I was still wearing the same clothes from the previous day. memories  began flooding my mind. Walking to my closet, I grab a white long sleeve top, lavender skirt, dark color stockings, and brown ankle boots. As I opened my apartment door I didn't expect to see Yuki standing there. "Good morning (y/n)! Where were you yesterday, I tried calling you but you never answered." She asked casually as I locked my door. I was unsure if I should tell her about Keigo and the spirit realm. "Um well, uh you see it's hard to explain-" I hoped she would drop the question but she didn't. "Wait no hold on, were you with that cute fox spirit you told me about?." A sudden blush appears on my face. "Yuki shut up not in public! It's not like that and it's not like he's that cute.." I tried to hide the blush but failed as Yuki gave me a knowing look.

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