chapter zero - introduction

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Hello there readers! My name is Eliza, and I'm the author of this new story. The Sleepy Bois Inc are some of my comfort streamers and I wanted to write a story about them, and get the reader involved as well! There will be no shipping in this story; the closest thing you will get to shipping might be a bit of Niki and Wilbur, but their relationship will be strictly close friends and platonic as I do not condone the shipping of real life people.

In this story, the reader will be eleven, Tommyinnit will be fourteen, Wilbur Soot will be sixteen, and Technoblade will be seventeen. I am not saying these are their real ages, they should not be babied but for the purpose of this story and the family theme I will be making them younger. I will be basing most of their appearances off of their Minecraft skins, and most of their personalities will also be based off of their characters personality in Minecraft and how their characters are portrayed. Overall, you could say the characters in the story are the Minecraft avatars of these people instead of the real life beings.

In this story, everyone is born with a pair of wings. It's just how things work in this AU, you could say. There are different types of wings, whether they're bird wings, angel wings, bat wings, devil wings, butterfly wings, etc.

For the MC, you the reader, I will be mostly using second person POV, so using you, your, you're, etc. However other characters will probably address you with she/her pronouns. I apologize if those are not your pronouns and you were hoping for something else, but as a female myself it is easier for me to write female reader characters. However I am completely open to using other pronouns in other stories if anyone would be interested in that, so if that would interest you feel free to reach out to me.



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