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It went dead silent. No footsteps. He could only hear his panicked heart. But he suddenly felt a sharp pain, two familiar voices whispering in both of his ears, "You think you can escape?" The pain grew worse as the fork was digging more into Narancia's face. Narancia tried to scream, tried to get away. But he was so paralyzed with fear. "Say Arrivederci, Narancia.." It didn't sound like Fugo this time. It sounded more like.. The Boss. The fork was forcefully took out before being stabbed into his stomach. He woke up again, in the arms of Bucciarati. Bruno looked at Narancia. "Did you have a nightmare, Nara?" He asked. Narancia quickly nodded. "Come with me. Everyone was waiting for you to wake up." Bruno let go of Narancia softly. Narancia got out of bed.

Narancia's Nightmare (Conjoined!Fugo Twins AU)Where stories live. Discover now