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Foxy's POV

Foxy didn't know when Freddy left. He was too busy trying not to leap out and bite his neck. His soul was acting up lately. He didn't mean to bite that little boy either.

That little boy was the first kid to even like Foxy anymore. He came up to him and said, " Foxy! Can I be in your crew?" Foxy almost smiled at that, but he had to stay in character. "Argh, you can be my first mate! What's your name?" The boy smiles ear to ear. "Mike," Then a voice hollered from behind. "You shouldn't be over there, kid!"

That's when Foxy broke. He doesn't remember anything else, just the sound of screams, wails, and sirens. He felt liquid drip from his mouth to the floor. Red liquid. Blood. He saw a boy with a bloody head being carried away.

Chicka, Bonnie, and Freddy stared at him. Freddy's eyes wide. In fact, all their eyes wide. Then people came and took him to a special room where they clean the animatronics. Foxy was surprised he didn't bite them when they cleaned his teeth.

When he came back, Bonnie was in a corner not doing anything, Chicka was sobbing, and Freddy, well he was pissed.

He yelled at me. I yelled at him. Chicka was terrified. Bonnie, I don't even know what he was. Shocked maybe. Freddy was so angry. I was angry too and my soul broke again. I knew I almost bit him. In fact, I lunged at him.

He looked scared after that. All his anger replaced by fear. Fear from me. We were best friends, not anymore I guess.

I just walked. Walked away from them all. Cowered in Pirates Cove. Oh, but how the dark helped. It practically consumed me. I felt like I was floating in the void.

Then Chicka came over. She tried to get me out of there. But I was too far in. Lost. Bonnie came also. I did nothing. Then came Freddy. He actually got me to talk.

I wish he were here now. I would talk to him. Only him.

Foxy felt something deep inside of him. Something warm. Some light. Like a match burning in the darkness. He has felt this before when he thought of Freddy.

Freddy. Only Freddy. What was this feeling? Was it a good thing? Who knows.

Foxy stood up and walked over to the curtain. It smelled musty and old he thought. He wrapped the curved end of his hook around the curtain and tugged.

All he could see was light at first. Burning, white light. Then he saw the long part tables and the empty stage. He doesn't know why he peeked through the curtains. Maybe he just needed light.

He heard voices from in the kitchen. He could make out Freddy's voice. And Chicka's. But not Bonnie's. He was probably cooking.

Foxy closed the curtains. He walked back over to the corner where he slept and plopped down. Soon the darkness took over and he slept.


My eyes fly open. I practically leap up into the air.

I can't control myself.

I dash over to the wall and scrape my hook across the dry wood. Leaving a long, jagged mark. The sound is indescribable.

I pace around the small room panting. My feet echo through the wood loudly. Suddenly, I throw myself down on the wood and burry my sharp hook into the planks beneath me. The wood creaks as I pull the plank up slowly. The wood suddenly snaps and I come back into consciousness.

I look around the room scared. Seeing the floor all jagged and broken and the wall with a huge slash scared me. I back up to the wall and slide down it. I try to keep it together but I can't and I sob. Sob until info to sleep.

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