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Chapter 3:

In front of a large window stood a lone figure, covered from head to toe in a gunmetal grey bodysuit, whilst a long black cape completed the look. A cowl with pointed ears akin to those of a bat covered half his face with an opening for the mouth. A large black insignia of a bat was etched across his broad chest. The whole getup cut a sharp contrast to the light and airy feel to the room.

This was none other than Batman, world renowned master detective, martial artist and Gotham's own resident superhero. As a member of the original Trinity, he was well respected amongst the ranks of other heroes in the world, although he was no more than a normal human male when compared to the rest. As usual, he cut an imposing figure as he stared out the large window, or more specifically at the planet called Earth.

The room was mostly silent bar from the low hum of the computers located behind Batman, his breathing was silent, and he was stationary as he gazed out the window.

The brown and blue chunk of compact layers of rock could be seen rotating ever so slowly on its axis. One half of the planet was draped in the dark veil of the night, however, the other half bathed in the warmth of daytime. A few cloud layers could be seen over the continents and the seas as they floated along.

"It's ironic how something so large can be so fragile at the same time." lamented Batman, eyes transfixed on the continent of America at the specific location of his home city. Even in broad daylight, there were large clouds looming over the city, preventing the sun from illuminating the place. "It seems no matter how much effort we put into keeping you safe, things never stay that way."he continued, lifting his gloved right hand before clenching it into a fist.

With a sigh, he prepared to move from his position when he noticed the reflection of a bright light appear in the centre of the room or to be more precise, at the location of the teleportation pad. The light grew in intensity as it bathed the room in its glow. When it died down a group of six people were standing with another being carried.

'Censors didn't pick them up, maybe it's time to recalibrate them.' mused Batman, his eyes moving to the edge of the slits in his cowl to look behind him, although he could have easily just turned around to do so. "Took you long enough." he stated, eyes having moved back to view the Earth.

"Come on Bruce we weren't gone for that long." replied the Man of Steel.

"How many times must I remind you not to say my civilian name in front of strangers?!" snapped Bruce turning quickly on the spot before directing a bat-glare at Goku and Mary. "And who are they anyway?"

"Oh, you worry too much Bruce. Goku can be trusted." responded Superman light-heartedly earning himself a growl from Batman. Choosing to ignore it though Clark turned to Goku "Well Goku this is our base of operations called The Watchtower. Barry can show you around after you and whatever her name is get shown your respective rooms." Goku nodded in understanding before searching for Barry who gave him a thumb up when he found him.

"Flash will do no such thing!" snapped Batman once more, acting as the voice of authority "For all we know he's a spy along with his friend who's probably pretending to be asleep." declared Batman as he glared at Goku and Mary once more. Now, most people would have faltered under the power of the bat-glare however Goku was no ordinary person. He had faced down in staring matches with beings such as Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu, Broly and Hirudegarn who had more power in their pinkie fingers alone than Bruce's bat-glare could muster in its entirety.

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