#6 W-What?! But...

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laurmidori Asked: "For Ask William and Ronald: I dare Ronald to kiss the Undertaker in front of the rest of the main reapers, especially William, and say he loves him. Ronald, you can't tell anyone about this until after you do it. Especially to William. I want it to be a surprise to everyone."

Ronald: *He blushes a bright red, putting a hand to his mouth* "W-What?! Oh I am so going to be killed!!" *The blonde gathered all the main reapers to the room, the blush had finally died down on his face and he soon walks up to the Undertaker. He grabbed the legendary reaper by the collar of his cloak and pulled him down to his height, and kissing him on the lips.* ".......I love you.." *He spoke softly, but his attention turned to a certain reaper walking out, the other staring at him shocked* "I-It was a dare! I swear!" *Ronald ran out the door after William*

Undertaker: *Is completely shocked, not even knowing what to do or how to respond*


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