Chapter 1

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Please notice: I am German, so English is not my first language. I tried to do my best and hope you like it. This is one of my complete stories that I published in German already and I will now slowly translate.

I am open to criticism, but please be kind.

Now enjoy!


Hermione stopped in the door of the train exit and looked searchingly over the heads of the students. There was the usual bustle, as always at the beginning of a school year. Cats hissed, Owls screeched and the youngest Children whined. On the other side of the platform, she could hear Hagrid's overpowering voice calling out for the first years.

From her vantage point, she should have been able to easily detect the man, she had been sorely missing for several hours by now. Sadly, she neither found chaotic black hair nor any shining green eyes.

"Hermione, you can't stand there any longer", Ron suddenly said in a gentle voice from the gangway behind her. "You're blocking everything. That doesn't make a particularly good impression, Miss Head Girl!"

Hermione sighed, but stepped out the door and onto the platform. Ron followed her within seconds, holding Pig's cage in one hand.

"I'm just really concerned.", she said hushed and reached for Ron's free hand. "Harry shouldn't be wandering around all on his own yet. There are still enough Death Eaters on the run. Besides, Headmistress McGonagall will strangle him if he's late for the opening banquet."

Neville had joined them by now and together they trotted over to the carriages.

Hermione couldn't claim to be more comfortable with looking at the thestrals. But as long as she never had to ride one again, she would be fine.

"I don't think we need to be overly worried about Harry.", Neville declared jolly. "If he comes late, he will have a good reason for it."

Hermione would have liked to roll her eyes at the indifference of the two Gryffindorboys, but she suppressed it.

Nevertheless, she was still concerned about Harry. The idiot must have left quiet early for he had been gone when everybody else stood up. With him, all his stuff was gone. Nobody had seen him.

At first she assumes, he had forgotten to purchase something. It would have been just like him to put something important off until the last minute. But Harry didn't appear on platform 9 ¾ either. And that was just strange. Harry loved the Hogwarts Express! He would never willingly miss it.

So where was that guy now? She sincerely hoped for him, that he hadn't changed his mind about repeating their last year and finishing school. Because if he had she would drag him here by the neck. If it had to be, with force!

The forbidden forest flew past their window. They were unusually early today, so the sun hadn't quite set yet. And as they turned around the last corner, Hogwarts stood proudly in front of them, painted in the warm light of a red sun.

Hermione felt a tight knot in her chest loosen automatically. Harry was right. Somehow this big pile of stones was home.

Their carriage came to a halt. Ron climbed out in front of her, only to turn around immediately and help her out like a true gentleman. The witch felt a blush crawl onto her face. Hopefully, in the light of the sunset it wasn't too obvious. She thanked Ron by giving him a small kiss on his cheek und kept his hand firmly in hers.

Luna caught up to them on the steps to the entrance portal.

"There you are.", The blond said satisfied. "I searched for you guys, but Blaise distracted me."

From Hermione's point of viewWhere stories live. Discover now