Chapter 2

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„This and this... oh, and that too! Where is my book of 'One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi'? I need it, so I can go to the library after the meeting and... Jiehks!", Hermione squeaked startled as two very cold hands sneaked beneath her shirt and pressed flat on her back.

A well-known voice chuckled cautiously behind her, making Hermione turn in annoyance.

"Ron, I really don't have time for your shenanigans right now. You know that!", she hissed.

Ron didn't seem to take her all too serious, 'cause he was smiling at her with the most gentle expression on his face. Blinking, Hermione watched the redhead stepping closer, before he pulled her into a tight hug.

Slightly confused, but delighted at the same time, Hermione returned the loving gesture. Ron kept holding her and after taking a few deep breaths, she noticed herself relaxing into her partners embrace. For a second the school-stress stopped bothering her and she sighed happily.

"There you go. That's why I had to startle you.", Ron mumbled into her hair. "I know you're brilliant and all. And nobody can keep up with your brain. But school just started yesterday, Hermione! Today is Saturday and we haven't even had classes. So please, stop stressing yourself over nothing!"

"I don't! I just have to go to the meeting and after that-"

"You wanted to go to the library and research something. I know. But what do you even want to research without homework? You know all our schoolbooks by heart. And I saw you repeating all your notes of previous school years, before we got here. You know everything and more, of what you should know by now. So please do us both a favor and return to the commonroom after your gathering. Without a detour through the library! We could go for a walk before dinner and if you're asking nicely, I might be willing to massage your tense neck. I know your muscles hurt already from lugging all those books. Even though I don't understand, why you don't use that featherlight-charm on your bag."

Embarrassed, Hermione looked to the ground. "Because it's making me feel like I forgot something. And I kinda like the weight.", she confessed.

Ron grinned at her, amusement sparkling in his eyes, before he shook his head. "You little loony."

"I know. But that massage sounds really good.", she said hopeful.

Ron laughed, turned her in the direction of the door and pushed her forwards. "Then I would hurry along, Miss Head Girl. The faster you're there, the sooner you're back."

Hermione turned her head one last time and pressed a quick kiss to Ron's cheek. Then she made haste.

She kept running, but she didn't expect Luna!

As she turned around a corner three floors down, she nearly ran into the blond girl, as her thoughts had lingered with Ron and his offer. Luna was standing with her back to her and was looking out the window dreamily.

"Hello Luna, how are you?", asked Hermione soft and slightly out of breath. She tried not to alarm Luna by seemingly appearing out of nowhere. But Luna wasn't alarmed; she didn't seem surprised at all.

"Hi Hermione. I'm fine thanks. And how are you?", Luna asked in return and faced Hermione, looking at her with big blue eyes.

"Same here. Did you settle in all right or is the normal daily routine alienating you too, after last year's insanity?", she asked kindly and maybe a bit concerned.

She couldn't stand the thought of Luna feeling isolated again, as in prior years. She had the same worry about Neville. Last term they all watched out for one another; at least that's what Ginny had told them. When your friends could die tomorrow, homework lost its priority. That's why the students had spent as much time as possible with their friends.

From Hermione's point of viewWhere stories live. Discover now