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Hello readers, sorry that's it's been so long but here's another story

Authors POV: it was raining at the grace field house, you and your best friend Emma were staring out the window wanting to play tag outside with the others .

Norman: "hi there "
You two turned and were meet face to face with a smiling Norman .

Y/n: "oh hey Norman... "
You said in a sad tone .

Emma: "hi... "
Emma says , the tones of your voices worried Norman a bit .

Norman: "so i was wandering, would you two want to come with me and Ray to the library?"
He says pointing to Ray standing behind him so you two would realize he was there .

Y/n: "oh hi Ray, ok it's not like we have anything else to do"

Emma: "yeah ok I guess"

Time skip to wen you  guys were at the library    

Y/n: ' wow there's nobody here'
You thought while looking around .

You were looking for your favorite book ✨sunshine✨you found it in the hands of a surten raven haired boy. You sat down next to him, he looked up from the book and at you.

Ray: "need something?" 
He asks looking at you with a confused look.
Y/n: "well I was looking for that book you have there and since you were reading it and I didn't want to interrupt you so I sat down next to you and wait until you were finished"
You said with a small smile.
Ray:"well if you want we can read it together"
He says with a touch of pink on his cheeks and his eyes looking at the book again.
Y/n:"are you sure?, I mean I'd be fine with that but ,weren't you reading it?" You say a bit confused. 
Ray:" nah it's fine, plus I just started it so it won't be such a big deal as you might think"
Y/n:"oh ok then"
You say smiling and have a touch of pink on your cheeks

A long long time ago there was a prince named Liam, he was isolated from the world. His parents king and queen Smith isolated him because they didn't want him to suffer the same fate as his older brother. His older brother was kidnapped at the royal ball, since that day his parents never forgave themselves for letting him out there sight. After Liam was born they became more protective and they swore to never let him out of the palace until he's gets married to a princess.


Ray:"so let me get this straight, you're telling me the mom was pregnant wen this happened?"
Y/n:"I guess so, yeah"
Ray:" and you're also telling me that she lost another child while pregnant right?"
Y/n:"yes, ok why are you asking this?"
Ray:" and you're telling me Liam doesn't have any health problems"
Y/n:"oh I see were you're going with this, stress while pregnant may lead to health problems like high blood pressure and heart disease and it can also increased problems with the baby like  having a premature baby ( born before 37 weeks of pregnancy) or low-birthweight (wen a baby weighs less then 5 pounds, 8 ounces) babies born soon or too small are at an increased risk for health problems but not all stress is bad because feelings stressed is actually common in a pregnancy because being pregnant is a time of many changes , your family, body and your emotions are changing ,but losing a child doesn't seem to be one of the safe types of stress and could lead to health problems"
Ray:"thank you!"
Y/n:"Ray no screaming in the library"
Y/n:"and even though it's more likely that they could develop health problems it still isn't 100% sure that they could have them"
Ray:"ok ok I get it, you can continue reading know"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2020 ⏰

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