Chapter One

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Davinah's POV

Merlotte's, the one Bar in our little town. Fridays are always busy, almost every seat in the place is filled. Sookie's waitressing tonight, Sam stuck me behind the Bar with him for a little. He gets protective, when there are too many older drunk men around. I watch from the corner of my eye as Sook places a Beer down for an older gentlemen, he is a regular, usually too juiced to give us a name. The interaction goes smoothly, Sook heard whatever he thought but I guess it wasn't too insulting.

Ah, I know that look. Sookie just answered someone's thought, with a sigh I move to the edge of the bar and place another drink down. "Sook!" I call out to get her attention, with a raised brow she turns to look at me and I wave her over. "Thank you, Lust" she says as she sets down her tray, with a nod I go back to mixing drinks. The phone ringing snaps me out of my daydream, Sam waves a hand at me and sets a drink down. "Wanna grab that? Lust" Sam asks, making another drink, with a nod I clear my throat and take the phone off the receiver. "Merlotte's" I chirp, my customer service voice making an appearance.

"Knock off that fake shit, Lust and pass the phone to your sister" Tara's badbitch voice causes an actual smile to grace my face "Can I get a please, Bitch?" I fire back, laughing a little as I look at Sookie who raises a brow in my direction. "Bitch, please" With a laugh I wave Sookie over, handing her the phone as I wipe down the Bar. "Sorry, Sam. She knows not to call me here" Sook says she places the phone to her ear. "Ah. it's alright Sook, You don't abuse the privilege like Arlene does" Sam says as he wipes a glass, "Hey! I heard that" Arlene says as she walks passed with a tray in her hand, pointing at Sam with her other. "Well, I wish you would hear that!" Sam calls back with attitude, causing Arlene to scoff. "C'mon Sam, she's got kids" I chime in as I stop for a second to take a break.

"Yah, listen to Lust. I've got kids" Arlene says as she comes back to the bar, hands me an onion ring and walks back to the kitchen. "I love you!" I call after her before demolishing the onion ring, with a laugh she hollers back an I love you. "This had better be an emergency" Sook says as she finally talks to Tara, with a shrug I walk past Sam "You've got Fifteen minutes, Lust" Sam says as he watches me make my way to the Kitchen. "Yes Master" I jokingly reply, a small bow before turning the corner. "Lafayette, could you make me a small Veggie Burger? Please and thank you" I ask, taking a seat on a milk crate.

"Course, Sugar. Extra mayo, no mustard right?" He asks, turning to look at me a little. "You know it, Beautiful" I nod, taking out my phone and texting Jason to make sure he knows when to pick me up. "Hey Terry, could I get a small poutine with extra cheese?" I ask as I watch him put down a fresh basket of fries. With a nod Terry smiles before going back to his work of art in front of him. "Onion rings, and if you drop a few on the floor that's fine with me" Sook says as she hangs an order ticket on the rack. "Ratray's?" I ask from my crate, a forkful of poutine on the way to my mouth, using my gift to move the fork.

"Got it, Oohh Sookie. Bou-chika wowo, lookin' like a Pornstar with that tan and pink lipstick, you got a date?" Lafayette asks as he looks up from the grill, moving to lean on the countertop. "Yes Lust, no Lafayette. When I wear makeup, I get bigger tips" Sookie says with a scowl on her face, shrugging I go back to my food. "If you had bigger tits, you could just show some cleavage" I tell her, moving to place my dishes in the sink. "Not all Women were blessed with double D's Lust" Lafayette says as he makes his orders, Sookie scoffs before going silent. "They ain't scared of you, honey child. They're afraid of what's between you're legs" I zoned back in when Lafayette said that, laughing a little at the face Sook made.

"Lafayette, that's nasty talk. I wont listen to that" Sook scolds, her ponytail swinging wildly. "Jesus Sookie, you're in your twenties. Grow up a little, you act like the next mother Mary" I tell her as I watch Arlene get ready to butt in. "Do you even know what's between a women's legs, Lafayette?" Arlene asks, a humourus tone in her voice. "I know every man weather, Straight, Gay or George fuckin' Bush is terrified of the Pus" Lafayette says, waving his spatula toward the women. "Lafayette!" Sookie shouts. "What are you talkin' bout?" Dawn asks, placing her order tray down beside Sook. "Pussy" I tell her, walking up from beside Sookie. "And, now Imma go" I tell them as I walk back to the Bar,

"Tara" I nod to her, handing her another drink before grabbing my waitressing things and hitting the floor. "Evening, Lust" Hoyte greets as I walk to his table. "Hoyte, handsome as always" I greet, placing a beer next to him. "The usual?" I ask, leaning against his table. "Yah, and Jason's too He'll be here in a few" Hoyte says as he checks his phone, nodding I write down the order I know off the top of my head and kiss his cheek before heading to place the order with the boys. "I think Merlotte's just got it's first Vampire" Sook says excitedly while Sam passes me a long island iced tea, taking a long sip of it I groan.

"He's not even hot" I comment disappointedly, turning back around and checking my texts. "Lust! Order up" Lafayette shouts from the Kitchen, groaning I lift myself from the chair and grab the tray of food, placing Hoyte's order in front of him I do the same for Jason. "And a beer for my favourite brother" I tell him, patting his shoulder with a smile "I'm your only brother, what do you want?" Jason asks, a smirk on his face. "Ice cream on the way home?" I ask, big doe eyes pleading. "mmmm, sure" Jason says, taking a bite from his burger. "You're awesome, and we leave in an hour" I tell him before going back to the Bar.


Word count: 1127

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