Chapter1-Last day of the semester

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Thin streams of light shone in through the closed blinds of Alexa's dormitory. She peeled open her eyes, feeling slightly disoriented. It was her final day of classes before Christmas break and she was beyond excited to go home and actually have a home cooked meal. She rolled over and grabbed her phone from the cabinet.


How had she overslept?! She had been doing that more and more recently. It was 9am and her lecture ended in 20 minutes. No point trying to get there now. She decided to just hurry and get ready for the rest of her day.

She hopped out of bed and got dressed before making the trek to her next class. She ran down the stairs, but stopped at the bottom and leant against the wall. She really wasn't fit enough for this campus. She inhaled deeply, desperately trying to fill her lungs with some much needed oxygen.

"You okay Alexa? Shouldn't you already be in class?" Olivia appeared from the steps and leant over to help her up.

She had met Olivia on her first day of college, almost 3 months ago, and they had quickly become close. Their rooms were next door to each other and they had spent many evenings having games nights in the living spaces.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just overslept, that's all." She lied. Being truthful Alexa hadn't felt herself for a while. Her skin seemed a few shades lighter and a permanent fatigue plagued her tired body. 

"If you say so...come on. You can't be late to another class"
"Finally..."she sighed. Classes were done, and all that was left for Alexa to do was pack up the last of her things before her mom and dad arrived to bring her home for two whole weeks.

She was sat in the canteen with a group of her friends when one of them by the name of Emma called out to her "woah! Alexa, your nose is bleeding! Like a lot!"

"Wait, seriously?" She questioned and reached up to wipe her nose. As the girl had said, her sleeve came back coated in a red liquid . She could feel it dripping down from her nose to her lip.

"Here, have this." Another voice spoke. A boy named Jeremy handed her a tissue and she pressed it to her nostrils, trying her best to stop the bleeding.

When it only seemed to get worse she picked up her bags ,as best she could with only one free arm, and bolted to the bathrooms. She held her nose over the sink and tried everything she could remember from when her dad had taught her how to stop them when she was 9.

Eventually, the blood flow stopped and she picked up her things from the floor. She winced as her joints ached at the pressure of pushing open the heavy door (just another symptom from what felt like forever ago, that she was avoiding thinking about) being to distracted to notice the figure she was walking into.

"Oops sorry" she said as her body collided with another. "It's all good" the voice replied and Alexa found herself staring into a familiar set of eyes.

It was Jeremy. "I wanted to come check if you were okay, I know you told me to stop worrying but... you know me. After what you told me ab- about..."

"Cancer?" She replied. "Yeah,... that.".

Jeremy was one of the very few people here that knew of Alexa's past. He was one of the only ones she trusted with it, along with Olivia. They were instantly close from the moment they had met. He confided in her with boy troubles and, well... she told him about her cancer.

"I'm fine Jeremy." She felt wrong lying to him. But admitting it to others meant admitting it to herself, and that was not something she was willing to do.

"Are you sure? Surely that much bleeding isn't normal. And you were in there for like 30 minutes." He sounded genuinely concerned.

"I promise, I'm fine." She sent him a small smile as if to reassure him, though it was likely more to reassure herself. She wrapped her bony arm around his waist and leant her head on his shoulder as they walked.

"You promise to keep an eye on that for me? And keep me updated over break?" He seemed to be pleading with her. She could tell he was nervous by the tight grip on her side.

"I promise" she looked back up at him as they reached the dorms. "I'll see you before we go, yeah? You can't leave without saying goodbye"

"Of course you will."

A soft knock on her door caused Alexa to look up and call for the person to come in. The door opened, and to no surprise her mom walked in with a beaming smile.

"Hey hunny!" Lori opened her arms wide and embraced her daughter in a hug, frowning slightly when she noticed that she felt slightly smaller from the last time she had seen her.

"Mom? You can let go now" Alexa laughed. "Oh sorry hunny" she stepped back and gave her daughter a concerned glance.

Not seeming to notice Alexa got right to work, attempting to pick up her suitcase from the floor, struggling slightly before Lori hastily stepped in.

"Are you feeling okay hun? You seem a little pale. Not to mention I think you've lost weight."

Alexa quickly shifted her gaze to her mom and her smile faltered. Lori seemed to understand perfectly what Alexa struggled to say.

"You pick up the smaller bags, I've got this one" she sent her daughter a small smile.  "Your dad is waiting outside in the parking lot"

Their conversation had seemed to happen almost telepathically, yet somehow she knew exactly what she was saying, and instantly Lori was sent into a buzz of thoughts and fears.

She was worried for her baby girl.

Authors note:
So this is the first chapter! I'm fully not expecting anyone to read this but even if one person happens to stumble across it then it was worth it.

It came to my attention that we were incredibly lacking in Alexa and Katie I decided to write one myself! I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it. Also if some of the words are wrong I'm sorry, I'm British.

Love from your author,
Maddy xox

Ps. I will also be adding songs to go with chapters to read them to if you wish, that's something I personally love doing. There just wasn't anything that I could find that I felt fit the vibe xox

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