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Dani, Barry, and Caitlin all reappeared at the edge of the smoke cloud. All three were unconscious from the teleporting and the explosion. 

At S.T.A.R. Labs, the comms were quiet, worrying the rest of the team.

"Dani? Barry?" Dr. Wells spoke into the mike. "What happened out there?"

"Are you guys okay?" Cisco asked.

"Guys, I'm not getting any readings from Dani's suit," Cheyanne announced.

Back at the Badlands, Barry sat up with a groan. He helped Caitlin up, who came to after him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I think so." Caitlin glanced behind her to see Dani limp on the ground. "Oh, no."

Barry turned around. He noticed Dani immediately. "Dani? Hey, you okay?"

There wasn't an answer.

"Just give her a minute," Caitlin suggested. "Sometimes it takes a second for her to come back."

"Yeah, okay." Barry nodded. He turned on his comms, updating the others on what happened.

"I still don't see anything." Cheyanne sighed.

"Could it be radiation?" Barry questioned. "I mean, we barely got out in time maybe--"

He was cut off by the sound of Dani's coughing.

"She's back!" Caitlin smiled. She knelt down beside her friend. "Are you okay? What happened?"

"Smoke," Dani answered between coughs. "I think I have lung cancer."

Barry couldn't help but chuckle. "I don't think that's possible."

"It shouldn't be but I want to give you a check-up when we get back to the lab," Caitlin told Dani.

"Please." Dani laid back down on the ground, trying to get her bearings.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, this can't be." Cisco's voice grabbed everyone's attention. "The Geiger counters in the suits... their reading less than one millirad."

"But that's normal," Barry said.

"There's no radiation," Dr. Wells announced.

"We gotta go check on them." Dani stood up, coughing as she spoke.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa." Barry stopped her. "You sound like a smoker."

"So?" Dani rasped.

"So, you're not okay right now, you need rest."

"Barry's right." Caitlin agreed. "We'll go see what happened then Barry can run us back and I'm gonna put you on some oxygen."

"Just stay here. Please." Barry begged.

"Fine." Dani plopped back down on the ground. 

Barry turned to Caitlin. "Let's go." He picked her up, speeding to the massive crater left by the explosion.

The bottom of the crater was still too foggy to see, so Caitlin and Barry made their way down carefully.

"Did it work?" Cheyanne asked over comms. "Did you separate them?"

"I don't know," Barry answered. He and Caitlin kept walking until they finally found Ronnie.

"Ronnie?" Caitlin's heart filled with hope as she knelt down beside her fiance. He slowly came to, completely confused by his surroundings. "Tell me your name," Caitlin asked.

Ronnie smiled, slowly reaching up to touch Caitlin's face. "Ronnie Raymond." He answered before pulling her in for a kiss. "It's me." He promised.

"Uh, pardon me." Martin came up behind the four, gaining all of their attention. "Obviously, I need a change of clothes."

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