Friendly Scares and Tragic Switch Ups

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The darkness lurks where you least expect, 

He's also known widely as an evil reject. 

In crimes he's the least likely to suspect,  

He's so full of hate from all their neglect. 

On you his presence has an unnatural affect, 

Heed this warning: You Must Protect.

****Taryn's POV****

In the stark of the night's blackness, Harry squatted next to the big oak logs in the fire pit. We had brought matches - thank gosh for that! - or else we would have never gotten this thing started.

Harry was poking it, and adding more twigs to prolong it's life and warmth. Niall and Jordan sat on the 8 foot log opposite of ours.

Once Harry was done, he stood up, sauntered over, and plopped down next to me - placing his arm around my waist. I snuggled up next to him; laying my head on his shoulder.

And in return, he laid his cheek on the top of my head. I closed my eyes and let the warmth of Harry's body combined with the heat of the fire embrace me. With everything happening lately, I was getting more and more stressed.

Harry massaged my back using one hand, "Relax babe, everything will be fine."

I didn't believe him one bit, but I did my best to relax. I opened my eyes to check on Jordan; she still had the bag of ice on her ankle. I was worried about her still. I know they say it just twisted the wrong way and that she'd be fine...but how would they know for sure?

I watched as Niall hugged her close and kissed her forehead lightly. They were so perfect for each see them together was like watching a movie about True Love play out right in front of you. I closed my eyes again and slowly drifted off into slumber; Harry's arm still wrapped around me.

****Harry's POV****

I felt Taryn's muscles slowly relax as I held her. I only got worried when she went limp under my arm. I looked at her and smiled. My baby was sleeping in my arms. For the first time in a while on this trip, Tarry looked peaceful. I stroked her hair and watched the steady rise and fall of her small chest as she laid against me. I glanced up at Niall and grinned when he did the same. He pointed to a sleeping Jordan and I nodded pointing at Taryn. We both laughed silently.

I motioned to go to the tent, "I think they're sending us a message." I whispered.

Niall chuckled, "I think they want us to go to bed now too." Laughing, Niall picked up Jordan in his arms and carried her silently to the tent, no problem. I followed his lead and swept Taryn up into my arms and walked to the tent.

But me being my clumsy self, I tripped over a root and almost fell. I caught myself and fixed my body so I was upright again. Taryn stirred in my arms; fortunately, she did not wake. I tip-toed stealthily the rest of the way and made it to the tent safely.

Once inside, I set Tarry down nicely onto the floor and spread out my sleeping bag for both of us to sleep on. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Niall doing the same. I crept over to Taryn's sleeping bag and undid it like mine.

I grabbed Taryn up again and set her down on my sleeping bag. Once I situated myself next to her, I pulled her bag on top of us like a blanket. She sighed and snuggled up to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and slowly dozed off.

****Jordan's POV****

I awoke next to Niall under my enlarged sleeping bag. I looked over groggily at Harry and Tarry. They were snuggled with each other under her sleeping bag like Niall and I. He must've carried me from the log all the way to the tent; poor Niall.

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