do i dare stay

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I knew something was wrong with me: but never that I was a Greek half-blood!

There are some things you should know about me before we start. One - I am some adhd and dyslexic child that can't stay in one place for longer than a month (i know such a great happy life). Well I guess there is only one point there. 

I never actually knew my dad. Apparently he was some small band member that my mum fell deeply in love with when their eyes first met but I hate that story as there are too many gaps in it, plus it is kind of cheesy. but she supposedly came here to New York as a final stop on some travels, met some local band playing a concert in the woods and when she finally went back to England she was pregnant with one of the band members.
But i think i better fully introduced myself; my name is Eleni Moore (wired name I know) I'm a 'normal' 12 year old girl originally from England but now live in New York. I have blonde hair that makes everyone assume that i am stupid and some deep brown eyes that have shimmers of every colour in from what i have been told.

It was just another end of school year at Huden. As I approached them stupid gates for the last time for the next few months the usual bullies Matt Camden and his 'gang' as he likes to call them walk over time like they own the world.
"Hey, how's are little disabled brat doing? I still think it is just as fake as the next so do your thing and beat her until she brakes. NOW!!!" Matt orders like he does when he is at breaking point but i never get to that point with him around.

"oh no Matt, i think that you are as fake as fairness because you know what, you have never hurt me as you are weak and deep down you know you are powerless. you use these boys as they are stronger but you also do it as they are weak minded... just... like... the... rest... of... us!"

"how dare you say such things you bi-" he starts threatening before i punch him in the stomach. 

"oh I'm so sorry Matt i have no control it must have been the adhd because we are what are mind is. so go along and let your gang deal with me yeah, just like a coward" i manage to retaliate with before the totally un expected happens: his gang beat me up. they just had to kill me didn't they (okay so I'm not dead and only got a few bruises somehow but in the moment it hurt). i think i should probably just tell you this, Huden is a school for the disabled kids, or at least that's what they call this place that's meant to be like Hogwarts without the magic. All the teachers don't care for us as doing this job just means a higher pay, which if I'm honest I would do that my self so I can't blame them. None of them monsters ever thought of me more than an extra charity case. 

i got back at them so don't worry.

once school had ended i walked back home to find my mum cooking something while on the phone with one of her friends. i don't know what to think of my mum, she is always acting suspicious as if she knows something that is life changing but how can it be anything like that as we are just some boring family with no purpose. my mum works in Broadway and that's the reason we moved here really. this means she can have really long work days and i can never see her or she has little work. I'm honestly surprised to see her here instead of over Olivia's house. she has been spending a lot more time there since my 13th birthday as if something happened or will happen. with my mum gone I've been able to think about my dad even more. i wish i could meet him one day. i know i should be mad at him but i have no idea if he knows i exist but i have always felt close to him like he is protecting me from all the bad things i would have to deal with, but i know that is stupid.

"I'm home mum. I'm gonna go off to my room."

"yeah yeah whatever sweetie. dinner will be early today as we are heading out for the week."

"where to? you have a job opportunity, like a big one." i explain to her as she says by on the phone and puts it down 

"its a surprise sweetie and if it helps you i already got a new job okay and it starts soon. i thought that as i have some time off any work we could finally spend sometime together, yeah?"

"sure mum." i replied before going to my room. i crash out onto my bed, glad she didn't ask about the bruises if she even noticed. my mum is never like this and never has been. most of the time  if i asked for anything she would find some excuse against it, but now i could run free for a week with no worries. I'm sure it will be some hotel on the coast but i honestly don't care as long as i can run. if i run forever or an hour i will have a glimpse of freedom. i have been thinking of running for a while as I've just had enough of well everything: being beaten up at school, having nearly no mum around, and needing to find my dad. 


we have now been at this cabin for 3 days now. nearly every time i stare out at the lake i can see and hear children laughing and canoeing but my mum says that its nothing is there and that all other cabins around the lake are privately owned with no docks.  i felt safe and closer to home here than i ever have before. we are at long island sound which to me is really in the middle of nowhere so i guess if i ran no one would find me, would they? 

as i stood there, looking out at the freedom and family across the lake, i wonder what could be on both sides of my future but none seemed to include a family anything close to that. i think my mum cares, i really do, but it seems that she doesn't want to show it like i could be gone soon or her. she doesn't open up to me and so far on this trip she has left me to do whatever i want apart from eat dinner with her. i decide to finally go inside instead of staring out at the lake. i have been staring out there nearly every minute of the day. i hear laughing, singing, fighting (i don't know why but yeah) coming from over the unknown, i sometimes even see people, buildings and some weird creatures i think but its probably another thing mentally wrong with me. i think its torture and pain seeing what i wish could be but i cant look away from my fucking fantasy wish. as i stepped inside i found my mum cooking some pasta.

"so you finally decide to come inside and see me. you really need to stop looking out as the lake, you know that?" 

"well there is something there, real or not, that makes me feel free and why would i want to see you or even talk to you"

"because I'm your mother and everything is in your head. now, eat!" i hear when i get over to the table. she had fear and lies in her voice when she said the middle part of that. i still have no idea what to think of her

i finish my food and crash on the sofa. i sit there all night watching whatever i can find: some harry potter, random shows and some random movies.

i think i wont run just yet........

a/n this part might be a bit brief and long (or short i don't really know) but its my first time writing and i have just edited the chapter for the second time as it didn't save last time so it may be a lazy piece of work. i hope this story will get better over time. thanks for reading (if this ever gets reads).

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