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Bella pov
After school today me gian Anna and Alvaro got home and our parents were getting a divorce I mean then again I would still go to school with gian so not much would change. I'm ok with it.

B/d:Get your kids and leave my house!
Step mom:No!
B/d:Yes I caught you cheating this whole relationship is over
Step mom:I-I-

So ummmmm my step mom just got kicked out for cheating🤣. Tbh idrc. Anyways gian Anna and Alvaro were packing and after they were done packing Alvaro and Anna hugged me and said I was like a sister to her and so did Alvaro, But when it came to gian he looked me up and down and pushed me in to my room and locked the door behind him he pinned me down on the bed and I was still  able to move my legs so I kicked him in his private part🤣

Bella:gian wtf
Bella:wtf let me go
Bella:ok then
Gian:owww Bella wtf

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