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Y/N: Shit, my water broke.

Zach: It did? For real this time!

Everyone stood up and started yelling things like if you needed help or if you were ok.

Y/N: Yes! Now shut up, this baby is gonna come out of my vagina and it's hard for me to concentrate on keeping it in when all of you are yellin and getting in my way. I apologize now for anything I say cause I know i'm going to be in pain and im gonna say anything that is on my mind.

Everyone nods and slowly helps you get to the car while Zach grabs everything he needs to bring to the hospital. Once you get in the car, Zach gets in the drivers seat and starts to drive away leaving your friends back at your house.

Zach: Just breath ok, once we get to the hospital, they will give you medicine so It wont hurt as much ok?

You nod your head breathing and puffing out air during every contraction. They hurt like hell.

Y/N: Hold on Rose, wait at least 1 more hour princess. Please.

Zach could tell that now that the pain was starting to hit harder. He literally just proposed to you less than 2 hours ago and you were already going to have your baby.

You pull up to the hospital and Zach helps you up and rushes you in.

Zach: Nurse, my fiance is about to have her baby, she needs help.

Nurse: Ok, no need to panic. Here, miss, sit down in this wheelchair and we'll take you to a room. You, stay down here and check you both in. The room number i'm taking her to is 235.

Zach nods his head and the nurse takes you to your room while Zach signs you both in. As the nurse takes you to your room, she talks to you.

Nurse: So is this your first baby?

Y/N: Yep. She's a girl and we are going to name her Rose Elizabeth. It's cute isn't it? Zach picked it out.

Nurse: And what is your name?

Y/N: Y/N Johnson. Fun fact, actually, Zach, my fiance, actually proposed to me 2 hours ago.

Nurse: Oh! Congrats. That is so amazing.

Y/N: I know. He has been with me through my highs and lows and I don't know what I would do without him and even now with Rose, there is no one better I could ask for.

The nurse smiled at you and wheeled you into your room. She helped you take off all your clothes and put you in your hospital gown and helps you into the bed. Your contractions hurt a lot so the nurse got your doctor and he helped give you an epidural. You felt much better but everything still hurt. Zach came up right before your epidural and was holding your hand the whole time.

Zach: I love you my queen.

Y/N: I love you too

Yay! A part 2 of the epic love story between Y/N and Zach. This book will be way better than the first one trust me. That one sucked. Anyways thank you everyone who decided to have faith in me and come read part 2! Love you all.

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