Thing one and thing two find oders

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Thing two said " hey wanna play this game called meepcity on Roblox"  Thing one said " sure " they went on the game Thing two then said let's go to the school!" Thing one said "that's stupid but ok". When they got to the school they went to the lunch room and sat down and a person with the named nicko sat down with them and said " hey mind if me and my friends sat here?" Thing one said " sure" some boys sat down and said " hello" one boy with black hair said " I'm Alex and you are?" Thing two said "Thing two" Alex said " weird name but ok" and chuckled then a boy with lm brown hair said" I'm noah you are?" Thing one said " I'm thing one " then Nicko  said" OK well now that everyone knows each other why don't we go to class!" They all said " ok". They started walking to class. They got into class and sat down . Halfway thru alex fell asleep noah saw so he kicked him and he fell out his chair and screeched. The Teacher said" ALEX SHUT UP". Noah started wheezing  they heard someone clear there throat they looked and saw the principal the teacher looked like a ghost then he said" h-hello sir  how can I h-help you?" The principal said" please follow me sir" and after that they left Then Nicko said "soooooo what do we do now "  thing one said " I don't have time for this I'm leaving and going to the gym" thing two nodded and they left After a couple minutes thing two said " we are lost " thing one then said" WHAT NO LOOK we are at uhhhh AH the art room ". A kid walked into thing two and thing two said " gAHH " the kid said " OMG IM SO SORRY " thing one rolled his eyes thing two said " it's ok dude" the person said "huh well anyways I'm Edwin " thing on said " do you know where the gym is Edwin?' Edwin said " oh yeah take a uhhh left then walk straight and you should be there" they both nodded and walked away

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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