.: After :.

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"It's been incredible. Thank you guys so much for having us." The crowd roared in response. The venue went black as we all ran off the stage, following the security who was guiding us to our tour bus.

I shut the door behind us swiftly, causing a loud thud to echo though the bus filled with sweaty people. I ran my hand through my sweaty hair, almost immediately regretting it.

"Awe man." I looked down at my hand, which was now filled with sweat that had collected in my hair, and back up to my band mates. "So," I asked hesitantly, "who gets first shower?"

The guys looked around at each other before trampling one another in an attempt to get to the small restroom located in the back of the bus. I was pushed out of the way and onto the couch.

Laughing at the scene in front of me, my band mates heads flew back simultaneously. Mike was the first to speak up, asking what was so funny. I shrugged my shoulders and began walking out of the bus, knowing I probably wasn't going to get first shower anyway.

I shivered, pulling my hoodie sleeves down and tucking my hands into my front pockets. It didn't occur to me how cold it had been before I walked off the bus.

It took me about ten minutes to start regretting only having a hoodie on. Walking back to the bus, I silently prayed everyone was done showering, though it wasn't likely. I opened the door to our tour bus, finding my band mates sprawled across the bus.

"You guys didn't shower?" I asked them, already knowing the answer. They all looked up at me with guilty looks across their face

"Sorry, Vic." Jaime spoke, "we meant to shower- we really did." I nodded, motioning to him to continue his statement. "If you didn't know by now, we're professionals at procrastination."

I rubbed my temples in frustration and walked to the restroom.

"Well," I said whilst grabbing my towel from the rack next to the restroom door, "if you guys aren't going to shower, I will."

I turned the water on and soon after, stepped in, the warm water instantly soothing my sore muscles. I stood under the water for a few minutes, collecting my thoughts. I had been seriously stressed lately, and didn't have much time to myself.

I didn't realize how much a shower was needed until I stepped out. I grabbed the towel I had brought in and wrapped it around my waist. I walked out of the restroom and back over to my bunk. Grabbing my suitcase, I pulled out some comfortable clothes, smiling at the thought of being out of skinny jeans for a while.

Walking past the kitchen made me realize how incredibly hungry I was. I took a few steps back and faced the cabinets held most of our food. While rummaging through our food, Tony walked into the room, giving me a nod.

"Hey Tone. Want anything?" Tony looked up from his phone, taking the thought into consideration. He shoot his head. "No. I'm good." He spoke, "Thanks, though." I nodded in response.

Once I was through making a small sandwich, I sat down on the couch with Tony. I noticed the bus was quieter than usual. Tony must of seen me wondering because he soon informed me that Mike and Jaime went out for a walk.

Once I finished, I threw my plate in the trash and washed my hands. I headed to my bunk, feeling extremely tired. "Goodnight, Tony." He gave me a questionable look. "You're tired? It's only like, 12:00 in the morning." I sarcastically laughed. "Yes, I'm tired. So goodnight." I gave him seductive look. "I love you." I winked at him.

When he was done pretending to throw up, and I was done laughing, I jumped into my bunk, my eyes seeming heavier than they were a few minutes ago. I felt as if I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2015 ⏰

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