His Sussy Baka (Jack Marrifold x Reader)

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(Based on the image above, I wish I was joking. Wrote this on the way to school this morning, unaware of how fucking long it was)

Y/N's POV:

Jack Manifold and I have been close for a while, always going to each other for comfort. Our relationship has always been purely platonic, no romantic feelings involved. Still, we often found ourselves side-by-side, practically inseparable.

It started in our childhood, when we meet on that fateful day. I was playing freeze tag with my friends and wasn't looking where I was going. As I was running down the street, far ahead of the people chasing me, I tripped over a young boy. When I stood up and apologized, he laughed it off and started up a conversation, inviting me over to his house for dinner. Thanks to this, I won that game of freeze tag, as none of my friends knew where I was.

Since that day, we went over to each other's houses frequently. We mostly watched cringe romcoms and played Minecraft (not without posting the terrible quality videos onto YouTube, of course).

After Jack had gotten popular on a streaming platform named Twitch, he had made more friends. This didn't really bother me, Jack was allowed to have other friends! Besides, we still hung out almost every day (minus the days where he would vlog with his friends, usually two young boys named Tommy and Tubbo).

He never let me join in his streams, which was fair. With how close and personal we were with our friendship, his fans would probably think we were dating. I didn't mind that either, I was never one to enjoy being in the spotlight. Still, I'd tune into all his streams and I was even modded!

At some point, we started to edge father apart, Jack busy with his streaming and me finally getting a job that took up most of my time.

We'd keep in touch through texts but our conversations would end quickly thanks to my tired, dry texts.

Our close friendship was deteriorating, just leaving unanswered good morning and goodnight texts if we even remembered. So of course, it was a delightful surprised that Jack had called me one night, asking to spend some time with me.

I was ecstatic, we were finally able to rekindle the friendship I had held onto for so long!

We agreed to Jack's place, possibly even do a stream together (Jack could pass it off as another guest, like his brother he had streamed with not too long ago). He said that I didn't need to bring anything but I insisted on getting him a present as an apology for my absence in his life.

So that's where I am now, standing in front of the door to his house, my left hand gripping the handle to a paper gift bag tightly while my right hand was inches away from the door.

I blink and take a deep breath, quickly knocking on the door three times before bringing my hand down to my side and waiting with a stiff and baited breath.

Jack doesn't respond and I start to get nervous. Is he not home? Was this just a prank? Was this even his house? I turn slightly, examining the walls of the house I've remembered for years. So many memories were held here, but they felt so distant.

My mental turmoil is brought to a quick end as I hear a click. Then another. Finally, the door handle in front of me starts turning clockwise and the door cracks open a bit.

"Y/N! You came." Jack states with wide eyes, his expression a mix between delight, shock, and something else muddled in between.

"Yeah, couldn't miss the chance to see my best friend!" I laugh, nudging Jack's arm as he opens the door wider, giving me entrance to his abode, "I even called in sick. It's pretty hard to tell your boss you have a fever when you've never had a sick day before."

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⏰ Última actualización: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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