Taegan and Callista

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Taegan awoke as if from a long slumber. His head throbbed and he could barely feel his body. With alarm, he realized he couldn't feel his body- or rather, he could, but he couldn't move it. Frantically, he pushed to regain control of his rogue body. His body stumbled a bit, before Taegan felt an overwhelming force push back, threatening to send him back to sleep. Taegen did not let up, however, and pushed right back. Eventually, after even thinking became a chore, he seemed to slide back into his body, and suddenly he could move again.

He looked around, trying to figure out what was going on. With a start, he realized he was on a throne. 

His father's throne. The throne room was every bit as glorious as he remembered, golden pillars lining the walls with red silk carpet dusted with gold.

He jumped off the jeweled throne quickly, thinking, Father will be furious if he finds me here. It is his throne, then Callista's; not mine. Never mine. 

A strange, cooing voice sounded back. Don't you remember? It is yours. 

Taegan winced, a flood of memories returning.

Taegan stood in front of a bottle with a strange black-red, fire-like substance writhing inside. He studied for a moment, considering the whispered promises it made, before opening it.

The voice returned, You don't remember anything, do you? 

It continued on before Taegan could reply. Well then, let me remind you... as another series of flashbacks bounced through his mind.

Taegan stood in front of the throne, kneeling to his sister with a crown on her head as she took her place as queen of Piternus.

Taegan as he consulted with advisors, expertly maneuvering his way out of their verbal snares

Taegan as Callista stood in front of him, offering him the crown. "If you really wish for it so badly," She said, "If it will really make you happy, brother, then it is yours."

Taegan as Piternus flourished under his rule. Callista was nowhere to be found, and his subjects regarded him with more fear than respect.

Taegan gasped as he fell to his knees on the carpeted floor, feeling for the first time the weight of the heavy ceremonial robes he wore and the crown upon his head. He knelt there, panting, in the massive, empty room.


Except for the voice. Do you remember now, King Taegan?  The words carried a mocking tone, as if a child had cut themselves with a sword on accident.

Do you remember my name?

 Taegan looked up. He whispered it, the demon's name: 


Ah, so you do remember! How great a cause for celebration! It would have been very dull if you were was dull as when I first met you.

Taegan scowled. It was childish, he knew, but he couldn't help being insulted by it's taunts.

Destruction's voice floated back inside his head. Childish? No, it's actually disgustingly human of you. Weak and sensitive.

Do not speak of being human! Taegan snapped back. You have no idea what it's like. You are only, and only ever will be, a demon.

Is that how you see me?  Its insidious voice echoed, A demon? 

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