•Part 2•

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[ 2 weeks later ]


11:16 a.m.

It's been 2 weeks since I lasted talked to my mom she texted me earlier this morning around 9 saying that her and my father will be in by 11:30. I'm kinda mad cause first it's a Friday and I have work later but it's whatever. So now me and Brenton are currently on our way to the airport to pick them up.

It's currently 11:36 and me and Brenton are walking through the airport looking for them. After about 3 more minutes of looking I spotted my mom and dad and walked over to them.

Hi mommy, hi dad

D- Hey baby how you been

I've been good dad

D- That's good

M- Omg hand me my grandbaby now. Omg I've missed you so much. And you've gotten big.

Hello to you too mother before you just go taking my child.🙄

M- Oh hey Leeyah.

D- Well I guess we should get going now

Yea lets go

Now we are on our way to their house. Yes they have a house here in L.A. but it's for when they come to visit. Once we made it back to the car my mom sat in the back with Brenton and my dad sat up front with me. Sometimes I swear this women forgets that I'm here and if it wasn't for me Brenton wouldn't be here. But it really doesn't matter cause it's always been this way with her so I soon just got used to it. 

Are you guys hungry?

D- No sweaty I'm fine.

M- (baby voice) You're so cute. Yes you are.

B- Giggles




M- Uhm yes?

I said are you hungry?

M- Oh no I'm fine

See wat I'm talking about she pays me no attention what so ever. We soon pull up to their home and I already know my mother is going to want Brenton for the weekend so I just let her take him cause I got no time for arguing with her cause I have to be at work by 12:45 and plus I could use a break.

After dropping them off I looked at the time and it read 12:13. Since I had about 30 minutes to spare I went to Starbucks to get something to eat and drink cause I was a little hungry.

???- Hi welcome to Starbucks. My name is Bria , and what can I get for you?

Hi can I get a large carmel frappé with extra carmel and a roasted ham, gouda, egg sandwhich.

B- Yes and name for the order.


B- Okay Leeyah, your total will be $11.58.

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