Torn Apart

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Chapter 2, Rich.

(It's a common head canon that Rich has an abusive Dad.)

[TW; Physical Abuse. Skip to next Chapter to Avoid.]

I arrive home and quickly walk inside, shutting the door behind me quietly. The hinges barely make a sound today, which is good.

Announcing that i've made it home to my mom, who's in the kitchen, I head to my room. The burn scars, well, burn a little and i'd like to get something cold, like a cold bath or shower to run over them and relax for a minute. At least, I thought that's what I was going to do.

My parents never blamed me for the fire. It was an accident, Jake had told everyone. Though, they obviously didn't believe it. A pan got left in the stove and started a fire. The rumors said otherwise, but i'll just stick to what I know..

I hear the door open, the hinges not too discreet this time, as my dad comes home. I quickly dump my backpack on my bed and rummage through that for homework to do. I pull out a math sheet and grimace. I'm so bad at math, but I need to look productive. I place the sheet of paper on my desk and slowly begin to work.

My dad's talking to Mom in the kitchen, probably asking about dinner. A few of the words of their conversation get through my cracked door.

"...dinner?" My dad asks.

"I'll be ... sushi for dinner... sound good?" I partially hear my mother respond.

I barely flinch as the smack comes. I hear it loud and clear. Dad hates sushi, and Mom should know this by now. I guess she keeps saying she'll make sushi because it's her favorite food but she should know it's always what Dad wants.

She probably isn't crying, Dad never slaps her too hard for that kind of mistake. She's used to it, anyways.

Everything goes quiet. Shit.

He's going to come upstairs. He's gonna find me. I'm just doing work, everything should be fine.

My door smashes open and bangs into the wall, but I don't flinch. I look over to him.*

"You're home, how wath work?" I ask, my lisp falling into place.

He doesn't respond, and instead looks around my room. He's obviously drunk, his steps aren't normal and he looks drowsy.

"Shut it, Brat!" He yells, stomping towards me.

My face stings and i try (and fail) to keep my hand away from my face.

"Weakling" He spits in my face, and grabs his belt.

My lip quivers in fear as I get hit. multiple times. Hard. Not hard enough to bleed, but hard enough that it'll sting like hell.

I'm on the floor, shaking. My shoulders and back ache and i'm probably gonna be stomped on. I try and curl into a ball as he kicks my stomach.

And just like that, he's heading downstairs for a beer. At least he's gone.

What will Dan (I'm naming his older brother that) think when he gets home? Actually, he won't get home until way late, probably after Dad leaves for the bar again.

I lay on the floor for what feels like hours until I have the strength to stand up and go take a shower.

I was right, the belt marks sting.

I'll do my homework tomorrow, i'm heading to bed before dinner.

— — —

Sorry for the suggestive chapter, and it's only chapter 2 as well

but hey, 2 chapters in 1 day!

i'm working on uploading more, i promise!

587 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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