At the hospital

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Shanell: I really hope Jay is OK

Vannah :me too .I love him ....I would have as much kids as he wants I would be there for him 24/7.....I love him so much...I never knew how live felt until I started going out with him...he helped me be a better person kinda...bc before I met him I would never show my emotions as much as a normal kid would...when he was shot the first was the first time I cried for months...I love him and I would never leave him even if my parents don't agree with me date someone older than me..idrc what parents would think when they meet jay bc that won't matter to me bc I love him to much to even care what they would think(crying )

Shanell: it will be OK (holds vannah )

Vannah: thx girl

Shanell: No problem

Doctor: family of Jay Lopez

All of us: (stands up)

Doctor: umm Were is his parents and we need his actual family

Shanell: his mom is dead his dad doesn't care about him and his 2 brothers r right there and we all r his family and his girl friend is right here

Vannah: look can we all plz go see him

Doctor: (sighs) OK but Before u go he is in a coma and we don't know when he'll wake up

Vannah:OK Thank u

Doctor: No problem

Vannah: (opens door ) Oh my god (starts to cry )

Shanell: (tears up ) shanell thoughts: damn I can't believe this my nigga I hope nothing happens I  would be hurt not like vannah doe

Vannah thought: my baby he is my one joy in life and know he just I can't do this (walks out )

Shanell: vannah wait

Vannah:(snaps back) WHAT!!!

Shanell: Were are u going

Vannah: I just need to clear my head

Shanell: OK but call me and let me know Were u at

Vannah:ight bye girl (hugs shanell )

Shanell: (hugs back )

Shanell: guys imma stay in here y'all can go

Dontae: OK boss we'll be in the waiting room

Shanell: ight.... raquan (shanell brother )u go to

Raquan: fine (walks out)

Shanell: I sat there Waiting for Jay to wake up I wouldn't know what to do if I lost my homie......I started to doze off and soon all I seen was black......................................

    Will Jay wake up??

Is vannah gonna be OK??

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