ch. 2: strongest assassin?

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3rd person POV

"what?" silvanna asked alucard who was grinning like an idiot

"yeah, she is pretty strong" he scratched his nape as fanny walked over

"what are you talking about alu?" fanny asked as she puts a hand on her waist

"about the new assassin, thay newbie is strong" alu replied

"oh, y/n?" fanny said smiling "yeah, she salvage alu's team on her first battle"

Silvanna was shocked at hearing this but smiled "I hope I can meet her"

Y/n's POV

I went back to my house that was on the left side cliff of moniyan empire

I went inside and sat down sighing, that battle was tiring

I grab a towel and clean my sword to sharpen the tip for my next battle

My past is quiet tragic

I was separated from my little sister benedetta and grew up without her, I was 10 and she was 2 when we separate

Its been 17 years (I cant find benedetta's age in google so lets pretend she is 19 years old)

I left her on a doorstep of somebodies home and stalk them until they took her in

I stalk them for a while, wanting to know if they would treat her good being the protective sister I am

But none of them treated her like the way I wanted...

I was walking on the side of the town until a man approached us

He was kind enough to take us in and treat us like his kids

He trained me to protect myself and benedetta

I left the day benedetta turned 2 because of a mission, when I came back 15 years later..they were gone

I panicked.. I felt Fear, sadness and anger

I was gonna find the man who took her, that man who took care of us, he waited for me to go and take her away from me, separating us

I gripped my sword as tears formed my eyes, gritting my teeth as I sob, I missed her

I sigh and wipe my tears, a assassin must not cry

I sighed again and got up, placing my sword next to a photo of benedetta

I missed her so much, I smiled slightly and sighed again

I went to my room and went to bed thinking of how benedetta is


Thats so sad.... Why is her past like that? Poor y/n..

I was right, benedetta is her sister!

I wonder what ship its gonna be!

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