🌟14 - Stare off🌟

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It was now coming up to night-time. The sun was setting, I fell back into Aone's chest and dozed off into sleep. Trying to find my three bear plushies in my sleep, I moved around uncomfortable. Groaning too. I needed my plushies. Where are they...

"Figured she might need these..."


[Kyotani Pov]

I got a slight glimpse at her face as she ran towards the middle blocker in Date Tech. Her eyes were so red and puffy, can she even see? As she ran, I looked back at her brother. He was for sure furious. Probably a mini Hulk or something... Ready to throw fists clearly. Averting my gaze back to the duo, I saw them leave the gym. But they stopped? Tilting my head in confusion, I soon saw both Asahi from Karasuno and Ushijima from Shiratorizawa leave the gym with them.

Why does she want them... what about me...

I clearly was upset about this, my team didn't notice this though. Glad they didn't.

"You gonna go with them mad-dog chan?" Startled, I swiftly turned my head to the third year I hoped and prayed he wouldn't notice my tint of my sadness. I grunted in response not wanting to give in.

"Whatever you say mad-dog but I'm sure soon she'll be needing something more important right?" I knew the answer. It was obvious!! I ran out of the gym leaving basically everyone in the gym confused. Oikawa understood however and let my actions slide.

I ran past every room trying to find a specific one. The managers room. Yes surely it was awkward for me to just barge in and ask for them but I want to also be out there with her. I want to spend time with her! Finally I found the room. Lifting my hand to the door, I knocked. No reply.

"Who's there?" One question. A quiet voice.

"I-It's Kyotani Kentaro from Aoba Johsai!" I mere stutter came out first, shit. Trying to gather up all my courage, I grabbed the doorknob opening the door hoping they would let me in.

I was now in the managers room... oh no... it's so awkward!!!! I stood at the door frame while the Karasuno manager was in front of me standing there.

"I'm Kiyoko Shimizu, I assume you're here for the bears?" Widening my eyes, I nodded my head. How did she know? The power of Karasuno...

She soon pointed over to the small futon it was definitely hers... the bear pillow case, bear duvet case as well... a lover for bears clearly. Walking over to the futon, I grabbed all three bear plushies and made my way back to the door. I turned back around bowing and taking my leave.

I went back to my teams dorm, I went over to my futon with the 3 bears plopping each of them down. I, sat on the futon facing the bears, had a stare off with them to pass time.

Kyo VS Brown Bear - Brown Bear came out victorious
Kyo VS Polar - Polar came out also victorious
Kyo VS Panda - To no surprise, Panda got the victory

I laid on my back thinking how long time had passed. Maybe a couple hours or so? Of course I had the stare off first then made the bears had a stare down too... that was extremely boring... getting up from my futon, I looked out the window to see the sun setting. Perfect timing!!! Grabbing the bears, I ran out to the field finding the 2 third years, 1 second year and a small sleeping little kageyama.

"Figured she might need these..." I gathered all my remaining courage, I softly said without a stutter. The 3 awake boys looked at me confused. However Aone looked to what was in the hands only to see the bears that she had longed for.

I handed the bears over to Aone who then gave them to her. She soon went to sleep calmly, happily that she now had her three bear plushies. I was just stood there awkwardly.

"Please sit down we won't bite" I looked over to see Asahi speaking directly at me. I was now sat on the ground watching her sleep calmly. I wonder what little dreams she's having...

"So you're the famous Kyo she talks about?" Asahi again spoke to me. Nodding in response, I was in fact the famous Kyo- wait- HUH?!?!?!

"What do you mean famous?" Trying not to give a scowl or a glare or even letting out of angry tone, I asked.

"Yea.. she talks about you quite a lot when she's with me, the famous Kyo who calls her his little pup that's you right?" Slowly nodding, I gave a small smile as I looked back at her.

"Yea... just want to protect her that's all..." I quietly said as I continued to keep my gaze on her.

"That's what we all want to do as well" Ushijima was the next to speak up. Soon Asahi and even Aone too followed with his statement agreeing.

The sun was officially gone and the moon was out.

"We should really head back in and actually put her to bed, she'll get a cold otherwise" As i spoke, I stood up. The others agreed. Aone had her in his arms, Asahi and Ushijima were stood on either side of his while I was trailing behind a little.

"Hey.. I know where her sleeping area is if you want to follow..?" Quietly I said not wanting to wake her up, the others nodded and followed my lead.

We were now in front of the managers room, I quietly knocked expecting to see Kiyoko or someone but no response again. Opening the door, I saw the room was empty. I then pointed over to her own little bear futon, Aone walked over softly and gently laying her down onto the futon tucking her in as well. Asahi and Ushijima soon left to go to their own dorms it was now just Aone and I.

"I'll be off then" Averting my gaze from her to then to the middle blocker, I nodded at the middle blocker as he then left the room.

Everyone was gone. It was just myself and her in the room. Looking at the small Kageyama, I made my way to her sleeping body. I kneeled down and gave her a small peck on the forehead. She smiled in her sleep in response, hugging her bears closely. Getting back up, I made my way to the door now leaving the managers dorm.

"Let's hang out soon little pup" I said as I left the door. A small smile was painted on my face.

To Be Continued

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