Chapter 10 - Suspended

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"What on earth were you thinking? You put your fellow officers lives in danger!" Brian yelled at me as I was trying to remove my kevlar vest.

"Sir, this could wait untill we get into your office." Liam wispered quietly from behind me. He too removing his vest. Other police officers coming to their lockers saw the look on Brians face and turned around and left quickly.

"FINE! Come to my office straight after you're done." Brian stormed away and made a point of slamming the door on his exit. Yeesh! I don't know whether I'm going to walk out of this alive. I have never seen Brian so angry, he looked like he could kill me. Liam stayed quiet behind me, he too amazed at how angry Brian had looked.

I took a deep breath and made my way towards Brian's office. The whole station had quieted and sent me looks of encouragement knowing full well that I was going in to get scorned. I tapped lightly at his door and heard a grunt from the other side. I took this as a not so polite way of saying come on in.

"Sit. Down." Brian pointed to the seat in front of him, refusing to make eye contact with me. His large desk the only obstical between me and his fury. Liam stood on the otherside of the room with his arms folded and leaning against the wall.

"Sir, if I could start out by saying..." I started off strong but ended up mumbling the last few words as his eyes met mine. His anger was evident but he also looked hurt which took me by surprise.

"No! You may not start out with anything. You shot a man in the shoulder! You disobeyed the officer in charge! You disrespected me on your way out and for goodness sake you're not even mean't to be here today!" He was fuming.

"Sir I never," I started.

"NO! Don't you dare say a word! You compromised the lives of your fellow Police Officers. You have no regard for them and you did what you thought was right. You acted selfishly"

"Yes I did and I don't regret it one bit."

"Cameron." Liam growled lowly.

"You don't regret it one bit?" Brian spat out.

"No. I assessed the situation that was taking place and I made a conscious decision to take him out. He had a gun to her head for crying out loud!" I spoke hurriedly.

"THAT WASN'T YOUR DECISION TO MAKE!" I flinched at the volume and anger that was seeping through every word. He looked away and took a few deep breaths. My eyes imidiately dropped to the floor infront of me. I felt like I was being told off by my father again for staying out past my curfew and hanging out with boys from the schools soccer team. You arrive home 10 minutes after curfew, once and all of a sudden you're the worlds most disobedient child and end up being grounded for three weeks.

"The fact that you knew the girl compromised your judgement. Not only were you a risk to your team, you were a risk to her. Look, I understand that you have things going on with your father but bringing personal problems into work is unprofessional."

"Now hang on! I don't know what Liam told you but that did not cloud my judgement today." I said while turning around to give Liam a dirty look. How dare he speak about my personal life with Brian. Liam gave me a stern look speaking volumes on how he felt about my clouded judgement.

"You shot the man in the shoulder! He was airlifted to Capital Coast Hospital! He's in surgery right now if you wanted to know." Brian had calmed down somewhat.

"Nope, I don't give a fuck!" I spat while staring down hard at the ground.

"Cameron!" Liam yelled from behind me.

"Yeah, I figured! I've covered for you in the past because I like you, Cameron. You're strong, determind and you get the job done. You have crossed a line today and I will not have my unit laughed at or talked about because some police woman didn't have her emotions in check. You leave me no choice, Cameron. I am suspending you for three weeks. When you return you will have to face the displinary board, to which they will decide your future with the police force." Brian took a deep breath and stared down at the papers in front of him. He looked exhausted and his worry lines were more prominent when he exhaled.

"Sir..." I stopped when my voice became shaky. I don't know what I was going to do for 3 weeks. Oh my God! What was my Dad going to say? He's going to rub it in my face! I can just see the wide grin plastered on his face now. My job is my life, as pathetic as that sounds, it truly is and I don't know what I'm going to do for three weeks.

"I'm sorry Cameron but your behaviour today is unacceptable and I will not put the lives of my men and women at risk. Sign the papers, Cameron." Brian spoke softly but firmly and his eyes stayed trained on the papers infront of him. He slid the papers across his desk and I saw the title first. Release forms Pending Suspension: Cameron Henderson.

I looked down at the paper and realised I had tears flowing freely down my face. Ugh! I must look like shit. I don't think I've ever cried at work or infront of Brian, let alone Liam. I pulled the paper closer and signed my name at the bottom of the page.

"I am truly sorry, sir." I wiped furiously at my tears. Brian stared at me in shock. His mouth was set in an 'O' shape and his eyes looked watery. I stood and turned to find Liam with a face of shock. No one has seen me cry not even when I had to ask for leave because of my Grandfathers death. I deal with death like I deal with criminals closed off, cold and emotionless. Tilly being my one exception. I exited Brian's office and everyone was staring at their computer screens too intently. I could feel Liam walking closely behind me with his eyes burning holes into the back of my head. We made it into the parking lot and his arm shot out and pulled me to a halt.

"Cameron wait!" Liam yelled.

"Wait? Wait!" I yelled at him incredulously. "How dare you tell Brian whats going on in my personal life! I told you that in confidence!"

"Hey! Why are you yelling at me? I told him that to save your ass!" He grit out.

"I'm suspended for THREE WEEKS!"

"You did that all on your own! I cannot believe that you are standing here angry at me, when you blantantly ignored my orders to stand down. This is just priceless!"

"It doesn't even matter"

"Yes it does! You always do things that compromise me! I'm married with a child on the way! Do you think I want to die because you decided to be the hero?"

I unlocked my car and started to hop in before looking at Liam and screaming, "Go fuck yourself!"

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