#2 - The Actual Dares!

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Pika: Welcome back, everyone!

Misty: It's finally time you added us in!

Pika: Sorry I didn't add you in before 😅

Paul: Pathetic.

Pika: Alright, since this is new, I don't have any comment dares, so I will make some up 😊

Brock: What comments?


Cilan: Seems like a big talker! Delicious words!

Gary: hold it in, hold it in

Iris: "Delicious words?" You're seriously running out of food puns...😓

Ash: Alright, Mr. Pika, just get on with the dares!😡

Serena: He's so cute when he's mad...

Ash: What?

Pika: Aand... That's where I come in! *Ash is undensified*

Ash: Wait. Did you say I was... cute?

Serena: Uhh... what do I do? HELP!😳

Ash: *kisses Serena*

Pika: Stop interrupting this and lets get on with the dares!

Max: Why was I invited?

Pika: Alright, this one's for you, Brock!

Brock: Does it have to do with Nurse Joy or Officer Jenny? 😍

Pika: Actually, yes! Go propose to every one!

Brock: Okay, see you later!

*Brock is teleported to a Nurse Joy*

Pika: Now what he doesn't know is Misty is there too, invisible.

Everyone but Brock and Misty: 😂

Meanwhile, at the Pokemon Center...

Brock: Nurse Joy! Please be my wife, will you? 😍

*Brock's ear is pulled away by Misty*

Brock: Hey, what's the big deal? I thought Misty wasn't here!

Misty tries to speak but can't.

Brock: I WILL kill whoever is doing this! Mallets can't stop me this time!

Misty suddenly reappears, but still can't speak.


Misty tries to do something, but can't move.

Pika: And that's it for that one! Next dare!

Eievui to use a Pokemon move on Pika.

Pika: Okay... this one's a bit scary...

Eievui: Why?

Eievui used Sweet Kiss!

Pika: Huh?

It slowly sinks in to Pika.

Pika: Wait... what?! 😲

Eievui: *giggles* Anyway on with the next one!

Clemont: Wait. We don't get to choose truth or dare! It's all dares!

Pika and Eievui: Oh yeah... 😅

Korrina: That's smart Clemont for you!

Truth: Does Mallow like Kiawe or Ash more?

Mallow: Uhh... I liked Ash when he first arrived...

Serena: *is furious*

Mallow: *realizes Serena is on fire* But now I like Kiawe more!

Kiawe: Wait what?

Pika: When did you get here?

Eievui: Two days after we sent out the invitations! Duh!

Pika: Oh yeah 😅

Pika: More truths and dares! This one's for Ash's Pikachu!

Truth: Do you like Serena's Eevee?

Ash's Pikachu: Pika pika, pika pika pika? Pika pika, pika pika.(Why do you guys always ask this personal stuff? But anyway, yes, I do)

Serena's Eevee: EEVEE?! 😳(WHAT?! 😳)

Pika and Eievui: *giggles*

Ash's Pikachu and Serena's Eevee: (Why don't you mind your own business and go start your own love life?)

Ash: 😲

Serena: 😲

Pika: 😳

Eievui: 😳

Everyone else: What happened? 😕

Pika and Eievui: We better end it there...

Ash's Pikachu: (You better end it there, this is bad so far)

Pika: What is making Ash's Pikachu so angry toward us? He isn't usually like this...

*Everyone gets sent to their rooms: but it's different rooms this time. Boys and girls*

Serena's Eevee: (Hey Eievui, do you like Pika?)

Eievui: Nononononono that's not it at all! 😳

Serena's Eevee: (Oh it's totally that way, you're just as obvious as Serena herself.)

Serena: Wait, what?!? 😠

That's it! Thanks for reading this! See you soon!

Dawn: Do I need to say this again? Add the other characters in! More moments of the other shippings! Tell the author to add more shipping moments!

Misty: Please... send... help... Gary...

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