Chapter Five

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In all of her life, her father had never spanked she or her brother. Well, maybe not ever, she could remember when she was about 3 and tried to run away from her Dad as they were putting groceries in the car, and there was another car coming. She almost got herself hit. She got a swat for that. But never had he spanked them like he had done today. As she sat there in that Motel room, she knew she had gone way too far. For her father to take a belt to her, well, that was pretty serious.

What he didn't understand was that she couldn't help herself. It was almost like her body had grown a separate brain, or like her body belonged to someone else. Something had pulled her here. Whispered to her. Calling her name. Kind of the way her Mother had the night she found her in the garage. She didn't know why she couldn't stop, she just couldn't. She sat there, cuffed to the bed, and tears started to form. She glanced over at her brother and saw that he had fallen asleep. This was her chance. But...did she really want to defy her father, yet again? She had too. The sensation to escape, to go towards what was calling her, was just too great. She pulled the lock pick from her pocket with her free hand, and released the cuffs from her wrist. She stood up quietly, and crept out of the room, closing the motel door behind her.

Outside, she quickly found a vehicle that she could hot wire. She set to work getting it running, and then zoomed out of the parking lot.


Jo was pissed at him, and since he was grounded, he couldn't watch T.V. so he laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He couldn't believe how far Jo had pushed their Dad. What the heck was she thinking? Dad had never taken a belt to either of them, their whole lives! Bobby's eyes started to drift. He glanced back at Jo. She sat there staring at the bed, not saying a word. He decided a nap wouldn't hurt. He was exhausted from fighting with Jo the night before, and hadn't slept well during the night. So he eventually drifted off.

He awoke about two hours later. Sitting up he looked over at Jo's spot, and found her gone.

Oh shit! Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Dad's going to freaking kill me! Bobby thought, checking the room frantically for his sister. He ran outside, where he saw a cruiser parked in the lot, and a man was talking to the cop. He pocketed his hands and nonchalantly went walking past, head down, in an effort to see what they were talking about.

"You say a young girl, about 5' 4", Auburn hair? And you say she stole your car?" The officer said

"Yes officer" the man responded

"Alright, can you tell me what she was wearing? Also, what was the make and model of your car?" The officer asked.

"The girl was wearing a red hoodie and blue jeans from what I could see. My car is a Black 87' Ford Mustang."

Bobby had stopped at the vending machine nearby and pretended to try and get a drink out of it. He pounded on the side of the machine as if he was trying to get something to come loose. The officer looked up.

"Everything okay kid?" He said

"Stupid machine ate my money." Bobby grumbled, then headed back towards the motel room. The officer went back to his notes.

Once back in the room Bobby started pacing. Then he stopped and started calling for Cas.

Cas appeared quickly.

"What's wrong Bobby?" Cas said, concern etching his features.

"She's gone, and I don't know what to do! Dad's gonna kill me!" He said, tears spilling down his face.

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