Artist y Badass: Discord (Autor)

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(Nota: Esta canción no es un halago hacia la existencia de nombre Autor, todo lo que se diga en esta canción tiene de meta insultar a Autor)

(Nota 2: Jodete Autor)

(Nota 3: Todo fue una idea de Badass)

🎵I'm not a fan of puppeteers🎵

🎵But I have a nagging fear🎵

🎵Someone else is pulling at the strings🎵

🎵Something terrible is going down🎵

🎵Through the entire town🎵

🎵Wreaking anarchy and all it brings!🎵

🎵I can't sit idly🎵

🎵No, I can't move at all!🎵

🎵I curse the name🎵

🎵The one behind it all!🎵

🎵Autor, I'm howling at the moon🎵

🎵And sleeping in the middle🎵

🎵Of a summer afternoon!🎵

🎵Autor, whatever did we do🎵

🎵To make you take our world away?🎵

🎵Autor, are we your prey alone🎵

🎵Or are we just a stepping Stone🎵

🎵For taking back the throne?🎵

🎵Autor, we won't take it anymore🎵

🎵So take your tyranny away!🎵



🎵I'm fine with changing status quo🎵

🎵But not in letting go🎵

🎵Now the world is being torn apart!🎵

🎵A terrible catastrophe🎵

🎵Played by a symphony🎵

🎵What a terrifying work of art!🎵

🎵I can't sit idly🎵

🎵No, I can't move at all!🎵

🎵I curse the name🎵

🎵The one behind it all!🎵

🎵Autor, I'm howling at the moon🎵

🎵And sleeping in the middle🎵

🎵Of a summer afternoon!🎵

🎵Autor, whatever did we do🎵

🎵To make you take our world away?🎵

🎵Autor, are we your prey alone🎵

🎵Or are we just a stepping Stone🎵

🎵For taking back the throne?🎵

🎵Autor, we won't take it anymore🎵

🎵So take your tyranny away!🎵









🎵Autor, I'm howling at the moon🎵

🎵And sleeping in the middle🎵

🎵Of a summer afternoon!🎵

🎵Autor, whatever did we do🎵

🎵To make you take our world away?🎵

🎵Autor, are we your prey alone🎵

🎵Or are we just a stepping Stone🎵

🎵For taking back the throne?🎵

🎵Autor, we won't take it anymore🎵

🎵So take your tyranny away!🎵

Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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