Remembering the 2012 Connecticut School Shooting

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I know that this is really short, but I would just like to recognise the kids and staff from a school in Connecticut who were killed in America on 14th December 2012. I pray that they rest in peace in heaven, and I pray that God helps all of those families. 

Just think of all those presents bought for those kids, parents excited to see their faces light up with joy when they open them on Christmas Day. They send them to school, thinking that they'll make cute little Christmas decorations to hang up on the tree when they get home, and then they're called and are told that their kids will never come out of that school building alive again. I'm crying as I write this. Please, pray for these people, their memories, and their families.

Love Inkhands.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2012 ⏰

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