cursed chapter 1 but more detailed

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3rd POV

Kokichi Ouma sat alone in his home, pondering what to do. He was bored, as usual. Well, he could always go to that place Miu told him about. What was it again...oh, that's right! Taco Bell! Just thinking about it made his stomach rumble. "I guess I could go..." Kokichi groaned. He didn't really want to do something that that filthy cumdumpster Miu suggested, but his stomach begs to differ. As long as Miu doesn't see him there, it'll be fine. Kokichi sat up and stretched his arms and began to get changed. Examining himself in the mirror before he left, he makes his way outside and walks to his local Taco Bell.

He arrived at the Taco Bell, a smile plastered across his face as he took in the wonderful smell of burritos, tacos, nachos, and other assorted foods. He skipped up to the counter and pushed himself up, trying to see over the counter because of his height. The employee looked down at the short boy. "Are your parents with you?" The employee asked, and Kokichi frowned. "I'm an adult you idiot," He said, and the employee shrugged. "I knew that...just messing with you," They said, and Kokichi's signature smile returned to his face. "Well, what can I get for you, sir?" They asked, and Kokichi tapped his shoes a few times. "How about you get the Ultimate Supreme Leader himself the largest, juiciest burrito you have. And y'know what, how about a taco as well..." He winked at the employee, who, in return, gives Kokichi a look of disgust. "W-will that be all?" They asked as they typed in his order. "Yessir!" Kokichi beamed as the annoyed employee tallied up his order. "That will be $10.91," They said, and Kokichi's eyes filled with tears.  "WAAAAAA! M-my parents left m-me and I-I ran away from -my orphanage! I-I'm just trying to survive, p-please!" He wailed as his fake tears hit the ground. The unfazed employee groaned. "Sir, you just said you were an adult," They said, and Kokichi immediately stopped crying and smiled at the employee. "Nishishi~ I know! My crying? Well, that was just a lie!" He jumped in the air at the last word to show his enthusiasm before finally handing the employee the correct amount of cash.

After what felt like hours of waiting (it was 4 minutes), the annoyed employee handed Kokichi a tray of food. Kokichi quickly snatches it out of the employee's hand and sits down at a table, sniffing the amazing smelling food. Even though he'd never admit it, Miu did have a good taste in fast food restaurants. He carefully unwrapped the burrito and stared at it as it dripped out and onto the tray. It looks oddly like a sex toy. One that he would use on himself while the Ultimate Detective watched. And it's that sudden thought that made Kokichi's cock stand up in his pants. "Shuichi..." He whispered out loud as he squished the burrito. More cheese came oozing out the side, and it turned the Supreme Leader on even more. With the emo detective fresh in his mind, Kokichi picked up the burrito and ran to the bathroom.

As he stumbled inside, he immediately fumbled with his belt in a desperate attempt to unbuckle it. As soon as it unbuckled, he threw it to the side and shoved his hand into his pants. He fell against the wall, slowly sliding down it as he stroked his dick through his boxers. "...mMm...S-Shuichi...!" He moaned his lover's name as drool slipped out of his mouth. Kokichi took the burrito and shoved it to his mouth, pretending it was Shuichi's dick. He licked the edge, savoring the flavor as more drool came out of his mouth. Finally giving it, Kokichi grabbed his penis and pulled it out of his boxers and pants and began stroking it harder and faster. The faster he stroked, the stronger the sensation was. A familiar knot in his stomach formed and Kokichi knew he was about to reach his climax.

As soon as he was about to come, the door to the restroom flung open. Goddamn, Kokichi. You forgot to lock it. An average-looking male with an oddly tall piece of hair that looked like it could impale someone and a skinny, pale boy with large, messy white hair walked into the restroom. To put it simply, Hajime Hinata and Nagito Komeada.

They sat there for a few seconds in shock before Nagito finally spoke. "What the fuck-" Nagito said, staring at the small boy on the ground. Kokichi stayed frozen in shock for a few seconds before Nagito shrugged. "Cool," He says, walking out of the restroom. Hajime and Kokichi sort of just sit there. Kokichi eyes Hajime and noticed a bulge growing in his pants. "Are you get horny for me? Well, I'm sorry to inform you but I already belong to someone else!" The ultimate supreme leader chuckled, Hajime just shook his head. "Ah, that's not it. I'm just waiting for Nagito because I know exactly what he's about to do," A lovestruck look crossed the reserve course student's face, and Kokichi looked away. As long as these guys don't try and call CPS on him, he'd be fine. Nagito came back inside holding a taco, and upon seeing it, Hajime immediately pulled down his pants and boxers to reveal his hardened member.

Nagito walked up to Hajime and placed the taco on Hajime's dick. Kokichi blinked in confusion for a few seconds before Nagito turned around and Hajime shoved his dick inside Nagito's ass. Nagito moaned in pain as the taco crunched in his ass, and Hajime began to thrust. Deciding that what he was doing wasn't half as bad as what Nagito and Hajime were doing, Kokichi returned to masturbating over his burrito. Releasing one final moan, Kokichi came all over the burrito and bathroom walls. He took a quick glance at Hajime and Nagito, who were having anal with a taco on both of there dicks. Just as Kokichi was about to stand up, he felt his bladder tighten. Well, he was in a bathroom, no shame in pissing now. He pissed all over the walls and looked over to Hajime and Nagito doing the same. Suddenly, the Ultimate Lucky Student ran out of the bathroom. Their curiosity peaking, Hajime and Kokichi quickly followed.

The came out to see Nagito pissing all over the employee. Kokichi and Hajime laughed and did the same. Miu made an excellent choice in recommending this to Kokichi. Hajime ran out of the Taco Bell, and in a frenzy, Nagito and Kokichi followed. They ran down the street as people shot them disgusted looks, some people turning away, and some yelling some horrible words at the 3 boys. Hajime ransup the door of some random house, knocked on it once, and then completely yanked it out of the doorframe. "I like how you think!" Nagito called, and ran up to another house to do the same. Deciding that it looked it easy enough, Kokichi quickly ran up to a random house. Looking up at the tall wooden board, he attempted to grab the doorknob and pull. After pulling for a few seconds, he heard a creaking as the door popped out of the frame to reveal the inside of the house. Satisfied, Kokichi threw the door behind him and admired to scratches in the door frame. He just did that. "Hey Kokichi! Down here!" Hajime called for Kokichi from down the street. Kokichi turned around and ran down the street to wear Nagito and Hajime were standing. Nagito pointed in front of them, towards the crystal clear water and the sound of seagulls. To put it bluntly, the beach.

Kokichi somehow knew what they were going to do. Rushing down the street and almost getting run over by a few cars, Kokichi jumped down from the peer and onto the hot sand. Falling to the ground, Kokichi grabbed a handful of sand and began to bury his dick. It felt grainy and sticky, and his dick was still covered in piss and come. Nevertheless, he kept doing it. Looking over at Hajime and Nagito, he noticed they were doing the same thing. Kokichi bit his tongue so he wouldn't feel too uncomfortable from the sand. "AH-!" Hajime screamed from beside him. Kokichi whipped his head to the right to see a crab dangling from the tip of Hajime's dick. "O-ow..." Hajime grabbed the crab and threw it towards Kokichi, who quickly shooed it away. Looking back at Hajime, Kokichi noticed that now Hajime's dick seemed to be covered in blisters. Hajime began to scratch it as if it were itchy, and Kokichi lost it. "Haha! You got herpes!" The supreme leader laughs, pointing at Hajime. Hajime glared. "I-I did not!" He exclaimed, his voice cracking mid-sentence, which makes Kokichi laugh even more. "Oh, it seems you also have aids..." Nagito said, examining his lover. "H-huh...?" Hajime asked again. At that point and time, Kokichi began to experience a bit of discomfort in his stomach. He assumed it was because of how hard he was laughing, but that was soon proven to be false as a wad of shit came out of his ass. It was so explosive that it teared through his pants and exploded on to the sand. Goddamn you bowel cancer. Turning around, Kokichi saw that the crab was trapped under his shit. Realizing he had nothing else to lose, Kokichi picked up the crab and ate it. Yeah...maybe he should go to taco bell more often.

i wrote this all with my own 2 bear hands, im taking full credit bc i came up with the original plot 

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