Chapter 51

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"Phoebe you're going to be late!!" Dad shouts from downstairs. I take up the last box with my old note books which could become helpful in the long run. "I'm coming!" I shout back. I take a few steps until I'm at my doorway,taking a deep breaths I turn around looking at my bedroom for the last time. I sigh trying to get rid of the eye water forming inside my eyes.

"See you soon" I whisper to my bed room as if it can hear me. "Phoebe!!!!!!" My dads voice boom. "I'm coming now!!!" I shout back wiping a stray tear. After stepping out of the bedroom that holds a lot of memories I want to get rid of, I close the door. Taking a few deep breaths I head downstairs with my books.

"Here...." dad says taking the box from me. "Thanks..." I tell him stepping onto the front porch then closing the door. I take a few moments before turning around to go into the car. "Ready?" Dad asks as I walk towards the car. "Yeah" I breathe. After finishing the rest of the distance towards the car I finally got in and buckled up.

"Have you seen your friend since she came back?" Dad asks. "Brith, yeah she couldn't make it today she has to prepare any ways" I tell him shrugging. Speaking of Brith I haven't talked to her ever since she came from her old family lake house. I have been trying to contact her but it always goes to voicemail, I try not to work too much but I can't. After all she's my best friend.

My subconscious says making me even more insecure. I can feel my heart beating stirring up my anxiety which has not affected me in a long time especially when I went to visit my mom. "Do you want anything to drink?" Dad asks as he pulls up at a gas station to fill the car's gas tank. I look at the time, we have been driving for the past twenty five minutes. "Yeah just a water" I tell him as he gets out of the car to fill pay for the gas.

"Here..." he hands me ten dollars. " two" he says and I nod, unbuckled my seatbelt then got out of the car. The warmth of the sun as it touches my skin makes me feel at a bit better. I close my eyes for a split second, the feeling of something warm hits my stomach causing me to open my eyes. "I'm so, so sorry" a boy with dark brown hair and light brown eyes apologizes over and over.

"It's ok" I chuckle. He blows down giving me a toothy smile, I couldn't stop looking at the lip ring on his lower lip. "Most girls would've told to to fuck off already" he chuckles. "Well I'm not like other girls." I tell him smiling. Normally I wouldn't be so brave but thanks to Bri I am now, well not fully but I'm getting there.

I rock back and forth on my heels. I notice the tattoos on the left side of his neck running back to his right arm. His ear piercings with two diamond earrings that fits his face. His black t-shirt and blue jeans complements his fair skin color. "Well I'll see you around then" he says taking me out of my inspections. "Yeah I guess"   I tell him. "Oh wait here" he says handing me a piece of napkin. I take it and start trying to remove the stain but there's no luck.

"Lucky thing that it's dark blue huh" I say attempting a joke, he stands there looking at me with squinted eyes. "I have to go and buy something" I tell him pointing to the supermarket ahead. "Yeah sorry about that again I wish that I could've help getting-" he's cut off by the honking of a car horn.

"Are you coming or not?!!!!" A man with a dark complexion ask or more like shout. "Yeah!!" He shout back and gives me a smirk before heading off. I arch my eyebrows smiling as I walk towards the store. I brought both waters and head to dads car who was waiting for me to come.

"What happened to your blouse?" He asks taking a sip of his water. "Oh just a little accident" I shrug opening the bottle and downing the water in a few gulps. "Ok buckle up cause NYC here we come" he cheers starting the engine. Seeing him happy for me makes my heart leap for joy. I chuckle at his way of cheering me on.
"Finally" I say blowing down. After a long hour and a half drive we finally made it to NYC safe and sound. "Ready for college honey" dad asks as he parks in front of the schools entrance. "I guess" I tell him getting nervous. "It's ok honey, just breathe and do your best. Have fun but not too much fun, it's a new beginning so good luck" he says kissing my forehead. "Ok now let's go" he says and I nod then got out of the car taking a deep breath.

"Where to first?" I ask since he experienced college already. "The front desk I guess" he says looking at the college in awe. I must say it is a beautiful college after all. He leads the way and I follow. "Excuse me" dad calls to the woman who looks overly concentrated on what she's doing. "Hello" he calls again a little louder, she snaps her towards us and I swear I heard my dad squeak. She takes her hair away from her face in a nervous manner.

She's pretty with brown curly hair, dark eyes and a beautiful melanin color. "H-how ca-" she clears her throat. "How can I help you?" She asks sitting up straight. "I- daughter needs to find her dorm room and register." He tells the lady. "What's her name?" She asks further. "Phoebe Carmel" he states. She nods and starts typing on her computer.

"Just sign here" she says handing me a two pieces of paper and a pen. I sign them both and give my dad the pen for him to sign his name. She then hands me my key. "Thank you" dad says and walks off. I give her a smile which she reciprocated. "Let's get your things so that you can meet your roommate" he says making my heart throb against my chest even harder. After I got my things which consists of a suitcase, a bag and a box we head towards the dorm rooms which I read is a good fifteen minutes walk. Which we started doing because of dad.

Well new roommate here I come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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